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Trick tips


    All right the ollie is the first trick you should learn, you need it to do almost every trick. first start going at a comfortable speed, place your back foot so the tip of your shoe is rounded with the tail fo your board. place your front foot behind the front bolts a little down from the top. Hit your tail as hard as you can and slide your front foot up as hard as you can, land and roll away.
    ways to ollie higher, slide your foot harder, bend your knees more, picture yourself ollying higher. thats it.


    go at a comfortable speed, again. place your back foot like on the ollie. put your front foot like the ollie, exept point it forward just a little, pop your tail and slide your front foot up, when it hits the top kick it out to the side. jump high above it, when it comes back around kick your feet down so you catch it in the air. land and roll away. To help get higher give it more pop and raise your knees "really high".

Nose Manual to Nollie pop-shovit out

    first of all a nollie is when you ride your regular stance and slide your feet up to the nose( it's not when you do a backwards ollie or a fakie ). well then back to the trick. Start going kinda fast, slide your feet in the opposite position of a manual( your front on the nose hanging off a little, your back foot sqare and almost right on the back bolts). push down a little and ride on just your front two wheels. when it feels right, kick your back foot forward( you are still nose manualing) and your board should do a 180' under you( you don't need to jump), your board will quickly spin and you will land it before you think you spun the board. then roll away. after learned start doing it faster and faster and off hips and pyramids and fun boxes, and off your dog( ha ha ha) and off any thing that feels right.

Wicked Hardflip

    first learn it going slow then progress on faster as you go. put your back foot on the tail like the ollie. your front foot goes in the middle pointed way forward so its pointed at the nose. give it tons of pop(if not alot trick won't work).
raise your front foot straight up it does not slide up the board. jump as high as you can, and bend your knees way up there . it should pop straight upsidedown then once upside down it will spin back up heelflip. kick your feet down and catch it in the air(with your feet). land and roll away. if off a pyramid give it way less pop. good to do over high, looks way cool.


    go at good speed, put back foot like kickflip, front foot up a little behind front bolts, have your toes hang off the edge a little on front foot. ollie and then kick your front foot way forward( spins opposite way of kickflip), jump high and bend your knees. kick down and catch it in the air and land it... and roll away

Wicked Hardflip late kickflip

    first of all this is a way way way hard trick you need to be very comfortable with your skateboard, second you have to be way superior with hardflips and kickflips and bending your knees. go fast, put feet like hardflip, kick the hardflip and stay above it. when it comes around, don't land it, keep your feet up still, exept kick your front foot straight down kind of hard, hard enough to spin it the kickflip after the hardflip. when the kickflip comes around land it.
once you can land this you can call your self way good.

Nose grind

    find thing to grind that you feel comfortable in height, make sure it grinds well and hasn't been trashed by other skaters. go parallel to the thing you are about to grind, ollie up above it and land on your front truck and nose of the board, keep your weight even like your balancing on your front truck like a nose manual. grind as far as you can preferably to the end of the obstacle your grinding. when your coming off, kinda pop your nose a little and even your board out, land and roll away.


    this not fakie, fakie is when your riding backwards and you ollie.
start rolling your regular stance, slide your front foot on the nose and your back foot goes in front of the back bolts, hit your nose and slide your back foot up. even it out in the air as soon as you can, keep your weight even.

Swith ollie

    is an ollie in the opposite stance you are, if your goofy foot it's a regular foot ollie. if you regular foot it's a goofy foot ollie. do it like an ollie.

Nollie flip

    get a good amount of speed and put your feet like a nollie exept point your back foot a little towards the tail. pop your nose and slide your back foot up and out. when it comes around catch it in the air and land and roll away.
    doing this off grinds is way cool especially nosegrinds. try a kickflip nose grind nollie flip out, it is very impressive to see.