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Once Upon A Time

Tony's World!

Once upon a time, back in the 1800's, there was a girl named Erica. She had this wonderful friend named Alexandria. Alexandria was a princess and Erica was her maid. Well, not exactly her MAID, but something like that. Erica liked this prince named Mark. Unfortunately for Erica, Alexandria was going out with Mark. This made Erica very angry, but she tried not to show it too much. Mark didn't really like Alexandria at all. He was truly in love with Erica. Alexandria was in love with this other guy named Charlie. He was in the middle class. You see, if there weren't any rules about princesses and princes marrying, everyone would have been happy. But, there WAS that rule, and they ALL had to obey it. Alexandria decided that she had had enough of this "crap" and ran away from her home in the castle. She ran to Charlie, who loved her as much as she loved him, and they went to some foreign country and got different names. Erica, back in the castle, dressed like Alexandria and made herself look exactly like her. Alexandria and Mark had a date planned and they were going to go out. When "Alexandria", who was really Erica, went to their date, she revealed the truth to Mark. Mark was VERY happy and they ran off together and had two children. They were a girl and a boy. The girl was older, named Stephanie, and the boy's name was Nicholas. Erica and Mark lived happily ever after, as did Alexandria and Charlie. >


"Ha ha ha ha ha! Hope you liked ONCE UPON A TIME. This is (was) dedicated to Erica.