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-TURN IT OFF!-                               -CHINESE FINGERCUFFS-                            -LOVE SONG...-
static sting                                      atomized                                                                  (too heart wrenching to write down
unyielding social machine                when it all comes crashing                                                   and share with the world)
technocratic treadmill                        we so quickly point our fingers
dialectical malfunction
constant crisis of meaning                 this is a clever trap that we have created for ourselves

asthetic asphyxiation                      the myth of the machine
predisposed to conformity?
bred to passivity?                             american as apple pie or are they the chains that bind us?

the bell has rung                             these chinese handcuff are real
accept as plain truth
blood soaked beauty money

-NATIVE SON-                                           -I KEEP IT 'COZ IT'S FASHIONABLE-                   -I RENOUNCE MY
pull the trigger                                          examine these messages and symbols                     i never asked for this
murder them                                             market definition of value                                       no matter what the newspapers say
sever links                                               need to control impulses and desires
                                                                                                                                        just expel the plague
proclaim supremacy                                   create false neccessities                                       of free thought
                                                                                                                                        at their convenience
burning bridges                                          manipulation for profitabilty                                    and for who's benefit?
knee jerk reaction
guilty compassion                                      lied to by images on the T.V. screen                        this isn't my interest
self glamorization                                                                                                                 i'm not infected
                                                               remove these binds from me                                   but persuasion comes easy
your attempts at provocation                                                                                                 on the other side of the gun
will accomplish nothing
                                                                                                                                         any you call this democracy?
serves as a
convenient definition