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My Old Enemy AKA Love
If YoU EvEr ExPeRiEnCe ThIs HiGh
MaKe SuRe YoU'rE NoT GoNnA SuFfEr ThE AfTeR AfFeCtS FiRsT,
If ThEy EvEr LoVe YoU AnD LeAvE YoU,
YoU'rE GoNnA HaVe ThE WoRsT EnEmY YoU'lL EvEr HaVe In YoUr EnTiRe ExIsTaNcE.


Angel (Waiting)

Angel, take me to your Paradise,
Your blinding white Paradise,
Though your beauty is in sight,
More pure still in thought, so clear.
Through this beauty I see my Paradise,
My envied Paradise. My wanted Paradise.
In your mind, in your soul,
Thats where I will reside,
In your world, my long lost Eden,
My paradise that belongs in you.
My angel, it waits in you.


Its not my place to watch you
yet and stand and watch in spite,
I know no-one will hurt you
but my true emotions might.

Rebellious Minds

I know I can do better,
my life is at a stand still,
I wont take risks,
I dont take chances.
My mind is a fountain,
built to quench my curious thoughts,
I think too much,
about the consequences,
about my feelings.
My mind gives me facts that I dont want,
it fills me full of this shit,
I dont need it, I dont want it,
No-one needs the facts
because facts dont work in a fictional world.

You know its true (Anti-depressant)

You make me smile,
I love you.
Its as simple as that,
I can say more
but I think I've said it all,
in one simple sentence,
in those few words.
You make me smile,
I love you.

Rhetorical questions. Obvious Answers.

All dressed up and no-where to go,
a cliche so true to life,
antisipation of a lover,
hesitation of another.
Not getting very far,
but wanting to move the earth.
If hesitating love is what were doing,
then why not let the flood gates rise?
why not go that extra mile
if only good suffice?
when will paradise come my way?
Weve waited long enough haven't we?
Asking rhetorical questions on the matter,
thats what were doing.
Thats what I'm doing.
Lets stop asking questions.
No hesitation.
Lets come together.
Lets rise those flood gates,
they're gonna flood over anyway.
Lets go that extra mile,
were being pushed anyway.
Push open the gates to my heavenly paradise,
I have the key anyway.
Lets not wait any longer,
your all dressed up, with somewhere to go,
come to me,
you know its the answer to every question,
all those obvious questions,
they point to me,
your at the end of your road,
and I'm here waiting.
Come to me.

Quiet days in Winter (True to Life)

The white wine stained
an invisible stain on your lips.
I could taste that sweet wine,
that sweet white wine,
upon those lips that day.
In that crowded room,
with all those people,
we didn't care,
we tasted wine together,
it tasted nicer that way.
As you drew me in
I knew i'd soon lose you,
but the taste was as sweet
as the moment it left that glass,
as the minute it left the bottle,
as the day the grape was crushed,
like my heart is crushed
as you leave me.

An addiction to that sweet wine,
is all I have to remember you by,
that sweet, sweet wine,
on that sweet, sweet day.
I want to remember you
how I last saw you,
with that smile on your face
that sweet smile,
and that glass of wine in your hand,
such a sweet girl.
I'd never have realised,
if it weren't for that wine
and those beautiful lips.
Now it's too late.
Left with addiction
and a crushed heart.

Prophets of a new world

It amazes me,
the way the wings spread
like a new born angel
into the hands of god.
Arms spread wide,
like Jesus on a cross
gracefully evolving
into the prime solution
of why we live on this world.
If others had seen you,
the day that I had,
with your silver hair
flowing richly down your cheeks
as you floated upwards
toward the secret star,
we would all be prophets
to what will happen to this world.
You are my future,
I see unto you
for you see into me.

The start of a trilogy

She wants you,
can't you see that?
She loves you,
can't you see it?
Your not looking close enough,
and your missing out
by keeping your distance
on an unloved girl,
when she wants you.

So fuck what they say,
and fuck how they say it,
if she's good enough for you,
then she's good enough for anyway.

Get closer.

She wants you,
can't you see it now?
She needs you,
Can't you feel it now?
Your keeping away
for what the others say,
she might not be popular now,
but she's a hell of a girl,
and your keeping your distance
for reasons, so self-righchus,
your shooting yourself in the back.

She wants closer,
so do you,
but you can't feel it,
you need to pull through.

So fuck what they say,
and fuck why they say it,
if she loves you as much as you love her,
who are they to put you down?

Your gonna lose her,
if your too far away,
she's gonna hate you,
because your too far away,
you know she loves you,
and you want to love her back,
but she's not popular,
so you want to keep away.

Get closer.

Don't resist her love
show how to contradict the others,
don't shoot yourself in the back
for the others.

Get closer.
Feel love.

So fuck what they say,
and fuck when they say it,
if you need her as much as she needs you,
there's no need to resist, your free.

It must be shit when it's old
(The day the passion died)

Im all messed up.
Twisting round,
In misery,
In death.
The death of a life,
a living, breathing life
and the death of a soul,
a loving feeling soul.
A black star hovers,
a beacon of death,
ominous and bleak,
leading me to you,
leading you beyond me,
you may be dead in your world
but you're not dead in mine.


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