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We Don't Need You

SoMe PeOpLe NeEd To Be ShOwN ThAt
WeRe NoT AlL ThE SaMe,
We DoN't NeEd To Be LiEd ToO
AnD We CaN BrEaK ThE RuLeS WhEn We WaNt To.


She wants

She wants traces of his mind
that even he cannot muster.
She'll track down the information
with the skill and agility
of the lion,
the king.
She'll force herself
upon his mind,
make him feel used,
make him feel wanted,
taste new flesh,
the bloodless flesh.
She'll free herself
after freeing him
from theses traces
that she wants.
succession is her middle name,
her kind, her face, her nature,
it runs in the family
and it runs in the blood.
It doesn't flow,
it sticks like tar.
She wants, she'll have,
thats her philosophy
and thats what she sticks by.
It works.
She wants, she gets.

I make them, you keep them

I don't know what you're thinking anymore,
it was ever since the day you turned into my enemy,
when you broke in, and stole my heart.
Your only my best friend,
it doesn't mean you can break the rules of possesion
but you did, and we were happy.
That makes you my enemy.
I don't want to be happy,
if I have to breathe you.
Its invasion of privacy,
its theft of my possesions.
We love each other,
that doesn't mean you can break my rules.
That doesn't mean you can break me down,
and leave me
to feel used
in an open coffin
displayed to everyone
in my final chapter
before the final rules are broken.

Small Hate

Bleed that bastard out
before he runs you out.
The monotony of his voice
and his face
is becoming too much to bear.
His breathe, embracing as it is
makes you wrech,
and pulls your stomach to a knot.

You fucking hate him.
Nothing in particular,
just the small things.
The little things
that build up
to become a fucking
universal problem
locked inside your brain.

Before he runs out
bleed him out.
He hasn't done anything
but he's so fucking wrong.
You hate that,
just that small thing he does...
Thats what its called.
You hate it when he notices
your hatred for him.
He hates that hatred you have for him.

He's done nothing in particular,
you just hate him for it.
Its just the small things.
The universal problems that build up
from the smallest thing
inside your brain.
You hate that.

For those who don't know

Its stereotypical
of the stereotypists
to fuck with my original ways.
They don't know what
I'll do next.
They can't begin to think
what I'll do to them next.
Take shelter.
My stereotypical rage
will show you the meaning
of originality.
Falling to your knees
won't save you this
A plan so original
you won't see it coming.
I'll knock you flat
before you know
what's happened.
It's this sickening
that keeps me original.
You couldn't begin to understand.

Love drives him crazy (He wants out)

Self sacrifise.
It's the simple way
of saying you love me.
Fall out.
Don't wanna do it?
Guess you'll never see me.
I'll take you out.
I never really loved you.
Turn around?
Yeah, its new,
I only fucked you.
Fuck you,
I never even loved you.
Take you,
your never gonna take me.
Fuck off,
your never gonna get me.
I am the will that makes you live
and I am your life,
so fuck off and die
before this trigger blows me
and you got nothing to live for.

Self sacrifice.
Yeah, thats the way to do,
put the gun up to your head,
you know you wanna do it.
Kill for your love,
you know I never loved you.
Your never gonna get me.
Fuck you. You'll never get inside me.
Fuck off! You'll never get inside me!
I never even loved you!
You know I only fucked you!
And your fucking with my mind
so fuck off and die.

Self Sacrifice.
Yeah, I'm calm now,
go ahead and do it.
This time, no anticlimax.

Emotional Punch-bag

I dont care anymore,
Your numbing lies wont work,
The truth is very clear,
You don't want too near.

I'll soothe your pain, your suffering,
While you establish mine,
When I endure you,
You know Im being true.

Your lies and cheats dont work,
They never have, nor will,
The truth was always clear,
You never wanted near.

I tried my best for you,
I know you see that now
And your just a friend to me,
Well, thats as far as they can see.

A light hearted view on education entitled
"Fuck your education"

Don't mind me, I just don't care,
Ignoring you is a hint to stop your droning whine.
Your messing with my mind
and your loving it aswell.
Will you stop your fucking moaning?
Just let me get on with my life.
You can fuck your education,
I just don't need it.
Your brain washing crap is making me sick,
your a Prick
and you can fuck your education
for all its fucking worth.

Weak Foundations

Your a hell bent earthquake
intent on bringing me down,
your chaotic mind
stabbing me in the back,
taking me down
when I least expect it.
Your sharp claws
take my living soul,
sinking deep
and seeping it out,
life essence.
Who the hell do you think you are?
Why do you think you have a right?
Why do you have the right to kill?
When you don't even have the right to live.

Book club

Judging me by my cover again?
Making yourself look high and mighty,
Drowning in your expensive atmosphere,
Living only for your social respect,
well you get no respect from me,
so you can turn your nose up all you want.
I don't care about you, or your respect,
or your social striving.
I don't judge books by covers,
like you,
I see what the books about,
if I don't like that,
its a shit read.
You're a shit read.

Vengeance ripple

Don't take it out on nothing
because revenge is often sweeter.
Use vengeance for a purpose
and grasp its rich rewards,
yet don't look toward the mirror,
repulse reflections of history,
For revenge often repeats,
which makes for bitter sweets.
So you better watch your back
before revenger takes revenge
on the flow of a ripple.
Don't let history repeat.

Its only personification

thanks to your tamed gravity,
taught by you,
it'll do what you wish.
At your command
you can watch me falling.
Don't turn it around.
Don't lift me back up.
I'll only fall further
with your next command.

It won't fall

I'm frustrated.
I can't quite get what I want.
I'll weep unaffective tears,
I know they never work.
I'll never have exactly what I want,
that's impossible,
but to have a piece,
a small piece of what I need,
to help me go on,
I know I sound addicted
but I haven't tried it yet.
I know I love it,
it's deep inside you,
like a warm, glowing ball,
full of energy.
I want what I want,
but I can't have it.
I can't take it.
You've built a wall
to stop my entrance,
and I'm so fucking frustrated
because I can't knock it down.
It just stands there,
in the way to what I want.
I can't fucking have it,
but I fucking want it.
I might sound addicted.
I may be, who knows?
I might be addicted
to what I haven't had.
What I'll never have.
I'm frustrated
and this frustration
will never end
as long as you have your way.
Your invinsible wall
will stand in my way
and it frustrates me.
So I'll drown in my sorrow,
my weeping sorrow,
that way I won't need you.
What I want is in you,
and your fucking frustrating.

Decisions, decisions.

I don't believe it,
your listening to me,
for once.
I don't believe it,
your taking mental notes
on me,
for once.
I don't believe it,
I can't decide
just what to say,
for once.

I just can't take it,
this strain that your creating,
this mental picture of killing you
is getting greater,
I can't let this dream come true,
only for you.

I just can't believe,
for once your telling me
just what you think.
I can't believe it,
you lived your life so far away,
but now,
I don't believe it,
your coming closer,
for once,
and now I just don't know
if I want you here.
I can't believe it,
I hate you now that
your so close,
my dream becomes reality.
Now your dead,
but not in my world,
in a deep emotional world,
far, far away,
probably in another galaxy.
I don't believe it.

Don't mess (Hate to the Hating)

Stick this fucking gun in your mouth
while I take the knife out of my back.
With a click, your gone, and I'll be happy,
your a little mother fucker and I'm gonna take you down.
Don't think it's quick, I'll make it linger,
don't think I'll regret it, I'll live it to the end.
It's time to die, mother fucker. It's time to die.

Further down that road

I'm cursed and I know it,
watching demons passing by,
as I sit, in fucking silence,
while the serpents slither by.

I know it's just exposure
to the feelings that you hide,
that you never really loved me,
whatever shit I tried.

I'm bleeding out my sorrow
from my simple little mind,
while I detect your feelings
that are just too hard to find.

I know it's just exposure
to the hatred locked inside,
you never really loved me,
now you'd better fucking hide.

It's time to fuck you up now,
Yeah, my heart is running dry.
It's time to fuck you up now,
Just don't think that it's a lie.

Supernatural (PuZzLeD?)

Seen this? Seen what your looking at?
Looking at it closely?
I don't think you are.
Take another look,
kinda like a second glance,
I think you'll see something new,
something never there before,
something you don't want to see,
something locked inside of me.

See that? Saw what your looking at?
Looked at it closely now?
I think you have.
Time to run now,
Kinda like your running back,
I think you've got no chance,
something unexperienced,
something undefiable,
something undeniable.

Get that? Get what your screaming at?
Feel the pain closer now?
I know you have.
Time to die now,
kinda like your falling down,
I think you've had your chance,
something new experienced,
something new for you to feel,
something new to fix the seal.

Feel that? Feel where your dying at?
Feel your death closer now?
I think it's done.
Time to go now,
kinda like your floating out.
I think you've felt the pain,
something you've experienced,
something where you've been entranced,
something brought to life: enhanced.

You don't make sense (she fucks me up)

I hate the blame you lay on me,
you'll never know what it's like for me,
you never even lied for me,
or tried for me,
you take the pain right out of me,
to put it back,
you stabbed my back,
you crept inside,
you joined the ride,
you enjoy the hate,
that you create,
stop the situation!
What an endless cry
for you'll carry on rehearsing
your mental suicide,
on your path of war,
pitiful mercilesness,
wearing your crown,
your the king now,
king of that which you own,
that which you think you own,
and that which is gone,
speed up,
take me out,
knock me down and kick me out,
feel the wrath of suicide,
I stabbed it out so you can't hide,
you feel the blood,
you feel the warmth,
you feel the death,
you feel the storm,
the eye inside my head,
that spins inside my thoughts,
to bring it back,
to bring it up,
you gotta speed it up,
to feel it,
you gotta knock it down,
to kill it,
you gotta feel the hate,
that I create,
thats right,
turn it around now,
knock you out,
scream it out,
no-one hears you shout,
here's my joy,
I'll take it further,
continueous murmur...
Slow it down.
It shows my sorrow.
Slow it down.
You go too fast for me.
Don't know where I am.
Can't feel my emotions.
Blocked out.
Knocked out.
You win again.


You reel me in
then cast me off.
There's plenty more fish in the sea,
for you it seems.
I'm just one in a million to you,
with a million to one chance
of ever loving you again.

Send me out to sea,
to drown,
like a ship wreck,
a ghost ship,
a fantasy, what was my fantasy?
I know, you know,
you teased,
you pushed,
you killed me there.
Drowned, as you pushed me off.
Purposeful, deliberate, determined

Sounds familiar

Take a chance,
for the last time.
Take a chance,
on a good time.
Make it last
and make it good.
I know you love me now,
yeah, thats understood,
but just wait till tomorrow,
the love has gone away,
the chance it took
got you another good fuck
and you've got nothing to say?


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