Welcome Abord!!
Ahoy young land lovers. It's me the good old Cap'n here with some advice for all ye lilly livered scallywags ARRRR.... Me and me crew need money for a new pirate ship. Without a pirate ship how are we to pilage and plunder the booty. All we need is $15,000,000,000.00 . If ye can get me that much then we may be able to pilage and plunder and once we get the booty we can repay ye all of yur expences. Arrr...
me crew become wrestless at the thought of never conquering the other space (they be space pirates mind you) and without money we will never get the booty, to repay for the money. Now that i thinks about it, this isn't really advice at all, it's a demand GIVE ME ALL YER MONEY!! ARRR!! or not it's up to you. arr..
Set Sail!!