Fear Of The Womens
Fear Of The Womens
For the longest time as many of you know (let's say few because nooone cares) i can't talk to chicks for squat. It's nuts. If i like a chick i can't say a word for nothin. I lose all responsive abilities and fall into a short coma. ( not one of these ","). I sat down the other day and continuesly anoyyed me friends with tales of robs youth.. which they may all end up on this page eventually so i'll keep you posted. Withen these tales i had an epiphany or whatnot and finally realized what had caused me to fear the womens all my life. It was the fourth grade and i saw my teachersd daughter and then a cruel trick was to be played upon me by me whole class teacher and daughter included.... this tramatic even turned me into the wussie you see today... HAHA you can't see me because this is only a page on the internet!! HAHA... wacky people. But this one incident ruined me forever.. or at least until the last few days... it's nuts. WAHOO!!