Heck Yeah Dude the CD Version 2.1
Right now i'm kinda annoyed because i typed this "huge" page a min ago and unfortunatly i seemed to have hit some hot keys of some sort that i didn't know about and i lost everything that i had written about, so here we go again....attempt number two!!
Heck Yeah Dude the CD!!
The new comp that i just made, it is the best comp ever. It has all of the best songs on it and they all rule. It is the best comp ever made. I listen to it al the time, the only problem is two songs are messed up so i'm going to have to make a version 3 now. WAHOO!!
Parades Suck!!
I'm stuck in TIms house right now because of this parade that is going on outside, they blocked off all of the streets and even the only street that coneccts my dorm to the outside world so me and Tom were going to go pick up Tim and then go to Dunbar Cave and have some fun but unfortunatly we couldn't get out and go because the police had everything blocked off like mad Hopefull i can get out later WAHOO!!
Cup of Coke
I had this cup of coke that i was drinking and it rules because i feel all important drinking this coke because i was drinking it out of a coffee cup and i'm all walking around giving out boss like orders because i feel extra important while drinking this coke It rules.
Questions and Answers
If there are any questions that you may have about this site or anything that i put on this site just e-mail mail and i'll try to clear them up
D'oh 2
The first shot at this page the one that i messed up on a few min ago was much funnier and better, unfortunatly i'm not kinda bored and cannot possibly hope to re-create the hilarity in which i created with the first shot, oh well, hope guys like this one still. WAHOO??