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Now this may seem kinda weird but the other day i checked my website and i had 654 hits. Today i check it and i have 12814 hits. Now let's tink about this one for a second. The first thing that comes to mind is that posibly there was a mix up in the server and sometng went ary and i ended up with some fictitous number. The second thought is that maybe that many people did happen to visit my page. Oddly enough that would make no sense, seeing as the only places that my age s linked from is angelfire, lycos, amamnda's site and . Now amanda said that her site got a lot of traffic but i didn't think this to be true, but now that i've seen this insanity i think i could be true. But i'd most likely think that is was just a mistake of some sort.

Do me a favor

If you did happen to come to this site from some other place that i am unaware of then do me a favor and e-mail me telling me where from, or if it was from amanda's site e-mail me too. Hopefully we can figure this madness out. And if you just happend upon this site from no error of your own you are free to leave at anytime. I'd just like to figure this out. and by the way... if you did come from amanda's site then don't belive a word she says. i acctually do use the word crafty, she just isn't around very much.