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Bright Yellow Disk!!


Another Day at the learning Place

Another day, another 7 1/2 hours wasted. I fell asleep in school, I was mad crafty asleep. Then i came home. And fell asleep again.


Jason Duval, Super Crafty.


Stickers are mad crafty. If you have stickers, that is crafty. I need more stickers, the more the better.


Crash Bandicoot. The craftyiest commercials in the world. They should sell a VHS with all those commercials on it. They are mad crafty funny. Those commercials are more craty than you could ever imagine.


I'm getting a new deck for the old skateboard that i had. It's going to be super crafty. It grey and i'm goin to put stickers all over it and it's going to be super mad crafty ownage(not my word). Then i could be Tony Hawn, or Bob Burnquist, or Daniel Bendorf!!. I'm going to put stickers (now it makes more sense) all over it and then i'm going to take it everywhere. I'll be super crafty!!.
