Words From The Creator

July 27. 2001

Howdy Everyone,

It had been a while since I have last updated. If there is anyone that still goes here, I'm glad to see that I have a few loyal viewers. If there aren't any then I suppose I better get some. Well, a lot has happened since that last update. So here goes.

First I'll tell ya'll what life is like now. Today was the last day of summer school which means I have got one month to read for the honors class and to write stories. I have been waiting all year for this. I might be going on vacation soon so for about a week there won't be any signifigant changes. But now you should check back every now and then. I'd like to thank all of you for coming. Here is what has been changed and what is in storefor this website next.

Well, the front page has been changed as did the title of the webpage. It will still be listed as Tammy's Dreamworld but the real title is un monde reves, which means ' a world of dreams' in french. I have added new Hanson banners. You can check them out in the Link Me section. Today I finished typing The Difference Between Worried and Scared. It is all posted up and everything so go check it out. I hope to get more of iCe pRiNcEsS's stuf on here. For now go check out the story in the hosted 'N Sync section. I am in the midst of typing the long awaited Dream. I hope to be finished with that before school starts up again.

Well that's is all for now. Thank to all thos who make an effort to show your support whether that be through adding a banner of mine on to your page, or reading the stories, or signing the guestbook, or even emailing me. You are all part of the reason I write. Come back soon. I love you all!

So Long,


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Email: chasezdolphingirlie@excite.com