The Origination of CrustFunk Goat-Core
The origination...
And Satan said, on the eighth day, "Let there be shitty music!" and two members of K.I.S.S.(Knights In Satan's Service... Not the cock-rock band...) decided to make a band. One of them was a strange, slow witted bastard named Leonard, the other was an ugly but silly looking bastard named Anne(A guy...). They were blessed with no talent and chased their dicks for for a good half-a-year, which was exactly Satan's plan... But then Anne got bored of Leonard's acid trip stories and found two other exiled K.I.S.S. members named Dubes and Moody, both extremely homosexual and untalented. Satan's plan was falling into place, but Leonard was not there, so to take his place, Satan enlisted Gaylord, an all-star loser in K.I.S.S. So now everything is being fucked up... Moody and Gaylord spend their days in the Ganja Pits, whilst Anne and Dubes spend most of their time in Satan's Institutionalized Hell-Hole. They practice and everyone laughs because Moody is a Spic and Dubes is gay and Gaylord is half black and Anne is a midget, but the fusion of the anger and boredom Satan devilishly mixed in their colons spews forth from their unholy windpipes. The band sucks, but the world should start pissing their pants, waiting for Y3K... When Chaos and Satan will smile widely...
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