EleCtriC pHan
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This page was last updated on 7.31.01 @ 8:30pm

hey check this out we won another award. check it out below...but i 4got the link, ill add it eventually. Either way thanks :)

Hello there everybody and welcome~~ Well, looky here! This place is finally updated. About freakin time, huh? Sorry, we're busy girls. Lucy wont be back like...ever cause she's extremely grounded and has no *sob* internet access.anyways...be sure to check everything about before youre scared away~

CheAt dEaTh


2.11 ~ Nikki here again, i worked on the format of the TV Section. Added info about the 2 sites coming in summer 01 on the tv page. Periodicaly adoptions have been added.
2.04 ~ Worked on the GG page, SBS page and acouple of other things.
2.02 ~ yeah this works :) updated misc. stuff, like put stuff in fun stuff....im actually thinkin bout making this site a 'featured sites' site maybe...if my fellow angels agree. since technically thats what it is...yeah...just clean it up and stuff but that comes this summer....hehe...yeah updated here and there..fun...~Flash

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Special thanks from Danie:...MerCi bEaUcouP eVerYonE!

Special thanks from Flash:I wish to thank my fellow RaINboWy people for being who they are & 2 of the best friends i've ever had :) & thanks 2 Owen over @ Owens Star Wars Site for originaly helpin out here! THANKS to everyone else forbein my pals! MTFBWYA! =Q)

Special thanks from Lucy:....first of all i wana thak my bestest pals, my fellow spy angels who have made this site so swell! kuz i havent goten all my junk on here yet! *PrOcRasTiNatOr* (so keep up the good work and ill get my butt movin soon too!) and also to the person who emailed fLaSh about my un-done punk rawk page..thanx for the...motivation? :) and thanx to everyonne else who deserves it! ~byenow

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Electric Phan was plugged into the outlet on 4.6.00.
We here at electric phan are in no way affiliated with any of the tv shows, movies, musical artists, actors/actresses etc. mentioned on this site. This site is here solely for entertainment purposes only and no infringment whatsoever is intended. We do not own the majority of the stuff on here and we do not pretend that we do, they belong to the originaly creaters etc. Please if you have any questions/comments email one of us kids here. our emails are located above. once againg no infringment is intedned, we are just teenagers trying to do something worthwhile for fun. please don't sue us