I acquired the JohnnyRzeznik.com URL about a month ago to host my angelfire page "Something That I Wish I'd Said." I've never been excessively fond of the name Johnny and I wanted JohnRzeznik.com, but for some reason, that was not available...
Now I know why...
Some lawyers contacted Rich Kegler, owner of the URL, who was using the address, if I read correctly, to pretty much exploit the Goo Goo Dolls. Not cool. We at STIWIS (well actually, it's just me) don't think exploitaion is cool. And even though my page isn't evil, mean, obnoxious (I hope), etc, I have a lot of respect for John, and have decided to give up the URL.
STIWIS has gone back to its old home, angelfire.com/punk/girldizziedup, and I'll hopefully stay there for awhile.
When I got the URL, I figured it might cause some controversy. I thought that I'd sit it out, wait until I was contacted by someone threatening to sue me, hoping that maybe someone would let me stay. But that's not fair. JohnRzeznik.com no longer exists, and from this day forward, neither does JohnnyRzeznik.com
read the article about Rich Kegler here