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delaware concert 5.18.1999



at guitar solo:
John: All right, everybody. How ya doin! I wanna see everybody move something down there tonight! And up there, too! All right? Now, let's do this, man. Let's have a good time, all right? ALL RIGHT! Yeah!




during intro:
John: This is a good song from a bad movie. Its name was...(I think, he kinda mumbles)

during song:
instead of "words like fists that tear you down," he sang "tears like fists..."


**I swear, every single person there must have been singing along, that is, when they weren't SCREAMING, lol...but John seemed amused by this**

during song:
instead of "so why don't you slide," John sang "so why don't we slide" (this is right before the first time of "and I'll do anything...")

during solo:
John: Hey, what's up there? I see you back there! (I think he was referring to the very few people who were sitting down)

right before final part of song:
John: Hey, look at you guys! I'm glad you came out tonight. (once again, mumbled and unclear)


John: Yeah! Thank you for getting up! I wanna thank you guys all for standing up, man, I can't handle it when people are just sitting there watching us. All right, this is an old one, it goes like this:






**begins with Mike's wonderful drum solo**


John: So, uh, so this next song is the first song that, uh, became a hit for our band. Everybody...EVERYBODY knows this song. What's that? Now listen, if you don't know it, just...just move your mouth, cause I can't tell if you're really singing it from up here anyway. All right? How's it sound back there, way up there in the back? All right? Can you hear me? *screams and cheers* Obviously not, CAN YOU HEAR ME! All right.
You know, we get out. We get out now, we get out in the real world now. Y'know, we see what's going on out there. That's why I'm staying here. But, uh...
Everybody thinks like you're like this big famous rock star guy, y'know? And...I swear to god...the only difference...the only difference now is all my little nieces and nephews ask me now if I know the Backstreet Boys, so I uh...**booing**...I know...What do you say to a kid! Somebody, write me a letter, lemme know!






during intro: This is...this is called "Black Balloon" **followed by unimaginably loud shrieks**




John: I'm just here to tell you that I think all guns should be outlawed except squirt guns....y'know, this is kinda FAMILIAR, this action here...(use your imaginations, the first thought is probably correct)..I've been on tour a long time...I know, I know, I know...all right...oh, yeah...oh yeah, THAT's familiar...all right, enough of this...(take your minds out of the gutter and reinsert them into your heads)


John: Oh, it's that magical moment in the evening once again, ladies and gentlemen, when it's time to introduce you to the band...(referring to his outfit) I don't know...I just don't know today whether I'm coming or, the bottom half of me looks like I'm trying to be a track star, and the top half of me thinks he's going to a rodeo...truth is...truth is, I'm just too lazy to put on some clothes...and comb my hair
Robby: Johnny, the middle of you...
John: Got caught going to work like a slob
Robby: The middle of you there looks like you're reading for a rocking, my friend.
John: Almost...All right, let's introduce the band:


John: Ladies and gentlemen...when your parole officer says you gotta choice: get a job, or go to jail on the weekends for the next two years, what do you do? Get a job! That's right! Ladies and gentlemen, Nathan December, number twelve on the guitar! He makes license plates in his spare time.

All right...okay, so you've got a guy with one knee...what can you say about a guy that wound up--listen!--what can you say about a guy that put himself in the hospital doing an impression of Mick Jagger? I tell ya exactly what you say to him: "Wanna play with us?" On the keyboards...singing his natural ass off...Dave Schultz!

This next gentleman, I cannot say enough nice things about so I won't say any. Ladies and gentlemen, he's a drummer, a splunker (pronounced spee-lunker)...get your mind out of the gutter for a minute, a splunker...never mind, all right...a gourmet chef, tailor, rock climber, Orthodox Jew...that's the tough part...ladies and gentlemen, the best drummer on this stage, Mike Malinin.

All right everybody, I want to present to you my partner for the past 13 years, playing the guitar--well, playing the bass guitar--and singing his ass off, Robby Takac.

Robby: (in response to cheering) Thank you so much, my friends, you make me feel very warm and fuzzy inside. As you said, for the past 13 years we've and there and the other place and back and in between, but you know what? We always end up RIGHT back here. ON GUITAR AND VOCALS, my friends, MR. JOHN RZEZNIK, Y'ALL! **deafening screams**










AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION (my CD kinda cut this part out, so all I get is "YEAH! *chord* YEAH! *chord* YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! *chord* *chord* *chord* *chord* *chord*" then into the song...) JUST THE WAY YOU ARE






Robby: This has been SO fucking good.
John: (in falsetto) I think I hurt something...
Robby: (in falsetto) Yeah, but I'm not complaining!
John: (back to normal voices) This is a song bout a boy, a girl, and a phone bill...

**with the insanely awesome, crunching solo**

John comes out of the solo playing some random, twangy song...

John: What the hell did I just do?
Robby: I don't know, but it's weird though!

song resumes: John: I hung your picture on the wall, and that's all it is I break your fingers if you ever FUCK WITH ME AGAIN! I don't like YOU, I don't like your MOTHER, and I don't like your dog!...What the hell is happening to me? Something's not right...let me try and pick up where I left off...

they finally finish, though John stumbles over the "my fingers" part again =)


John: YEAH! You guys...You GUYS! YOU GUYS! I'm telling you! Come on now, I wanna hear you SCREAM for yourselves, one big noise...You guys were awesome, come back and see us again soon, all right??? ALL RIGHT!!!


and that's the end of the concert. I didn't get to go, but it sounded awesome...if you did go to this concert, or any other, and would like to write a review, email me and I'll put it up on my page. thanks for visiting!

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