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JUDGEMENTAL BIOGRAPHY (what "biography"?)

A long time ago; in a galaxy far, far away, something was about to happen. The formation of...JUDGEMENTAL.

It all started in elemnetary school when a young Robin Greenhough harassed Ryan Gelinas about his velcro shoes. In retaliation, Ryan called Robin a poo-poo head.

7 long years went by where they didn't talk to each other. Then on Halloween, 1997, They finally found a common interest; music. Not necessarily the same music, but music nevertheless. Ryan was into Green Day, while Robin was a big loser because he listened to Aerosmith and The Rolling Stones.

Moving right along; so they decided to form a band in spite of having no musical talent. Ryan played drums lousily according to Robin, and Robin played guitar lousily according to everyone. Their first song was called Judgemental was written after 3 days of bitching at each other.

Their first jam session sucked. Nothing was accomplished because they didn't know what type of music to play, and they had no drummer. So what do 2 washed up musicians decide to do? They decided that they would play punk rock.

By that time, Robin was out of his shitty rock & roll phase. They were unable to find a drummer after Ryan started to play bass, until May 1998; but that didn't work out because of obvious reasons. 4 months passed before Ian Morai joined JUDGEMENTAL as their new drummer. He didn't know what he was doing and had to learn from Ryan. Ryan, unfortunately, couldn't help poor Ian.

So after 3 TERRIBLE shows, they let him go. A week later; a stroke of luck came. Nathan Gagne, an experienced drummer, joined the band. It took a couple of months to get the sound perfect, but things are looking up for the anarchists, otherwise known as JUDGEMENTAL.