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Hey look this is the place where you can see us looking retarted live,looking retarded together and just looking plain retarted. So what the hell you doing reading this? look at the retarded pictures


Robin with spiked hair
Robin yelling at l'X
looking goofy
robin looking pissed off
Robin getting punched in the face by THEO the guy from GOB over a arguement for a beer


Ryan looking good with his bass at L'X
Ryan looking "sexy"
Ryan with blue hair
Ryan and his bass
Ryan with a mowhawk
Ryan with a bad case of bedhead
Ryan with his bass again but with purple hair

Nathan looking sexy before his prom
The drummer getting his diploma from high school
Nathan with his brother on the left, and his vice-principal in the middle
Nathan in a metro photo booth thing
Robin and Nathan
Nathan with his girlfriend Christine
Nathan at L'X. He wasn't paying attention!!

The guys in a photo booth looking scary
A really nice pic of the crowd at L'X on April 14th
Ryan and Robin looking PUNK ROCK
Nathan, Robin and friends
the gang live at club soda
Robin, Ryan, and Nathan looking out of it before a practice
JUDGEMENTAL punks playing at l,x
JUDGMENTAL looking like posing on the cover of a magazine
A CRAZY group pic with Robin jumping
Ryan and Robin playing their guitars together
RYAN and Robin is eating his favorite CANDY


Chi Chi the BAD ASS