Set List

Tom: Loading up at Rhino's, this old white-bread christian-looking guy comes up to me and says he used to massage Herbert Hoover at this whore house and Hoover had tattoos just like mine. He said Nixon was a better tipper. He also told me that germans were tolerant of any form of sexual expression, but don't let them catch you drinking a coke.

Jason: 12:45-Let the record show that Pizzle is on tour as of, a few minutes ago. The road is new, as is our veeehickle.

The proverbial 1000 words

1:30AM-Pops showing his arse to the Walmart Distribution Centre. Eeek.

Lumpy: I'm drivin'-me, Lumpy.

Jason: In honour of the Hot Dog Girl, whom Pops almost fucked (she chickened out) we loaded up on weiners and road sausage. Dunno what time, it was late. Managed to douse my shorts with hot coffee. Neat. In restrospect I can honestly say tonite's show was one of my all time worst performances, and that's a pretty tall order, pilgrim. The second time my bass got unplugged, I shoulda left it. Lumpy thankfully explained to the gas station lady that we weren't a cult, we just owned clippers, and it's hot at home.

Pops: Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum I wish I had me a Big Ol' Plum

Lumpy: The rest stop sink is "LEEKING-out of order"(Kentucky)