Set List

Jason: Just got done playing our last show and I'm sitting next to our all too unbusy merch box. Not many kids chose to watch, but the ones that did watch were attentive. If I weren't so woozy, I would have found a way not to use the word "watch" twice in one sentence. So far we've been scolded for duct tape on the wall and wanting Cokes.

Tom's throat was/is roached but he carried on like a li'l Bitch Head Trooper. Even though I kicked his Coke over onstage. The stage was indeed a shocker.

All the bands were cool. Control rules! Project A was really kinda awful, but I liked 'em. Antiproduct were awesome when they shut up and actually played.

Lumpy imparting wisdom upon Project A

Lumpy: Gut radiation from excessive cheese consumption.

Jason: The aura of the Porch Schmoosiah.

Jason: Shortly afterwards we had to get Tom a cuttlefish bone.

Lumpy: Completely unconscious of anything but his constant companion (clutched in his right hand).

Jason: He looks just like a angel. A dead angel...

Pizzle-$20 worth o' pure entertainment. A bargain at half the price.

Jason: Drove around for hours, actually I rode, I guess, looking for a room, finally gotta rejected $100 Holiday Inn room. Who's ready to get HIGH??

Exhibit A

Lumpy: I had to take these away from some of the younger punk rockers. if you smoke this shit you could get fucked-up and become a "loser."

MMM... THC. Oh and bourbon, too. And also Tom & Jerry.

Tom: Thank God for Tex Avery.

Lumpy: Note-Jason isn't really a "lightweight", we just wait 'til he crashes to shoot photos.

Tom: Ah, bourbon... Brownest of the brown liquors.

Jason: Once again, the boys have conspired ag'in me, and I've been slipped a mickey.