FCC- June 2, 2003
The need for communism has never been more clear… On June 2nd, 2003, the Federal Communications Commission voted on media ownership regulations without even asking for citizen feedback. The FCC has the power to limit the diversity of our media. They have the power to place media ownership in only a handful of people’s hands, and it’s highly unlikely that those people will be very diverse. End result: all mainstream media represents the agenda and viewpoint of half a dozen rich, white, conservative men. This is not good for anyone who is not a rich, white, conservative man.
The FCC should not be able to pass down decisions such as this without taking into consideration the mass of people it most affects, the American public. It operates with no checks and balances, beyond the eye of the average citizen.
The disturbing decrease in media diversity sounds like a call for communism. Revolution is necessary to take the media, the information, and the minds of American people out of the hands of those who profit off them. Power over the media should be placed in the hands of every American, so that just like the Internet, information would be easily accessible and containing a variety of opinions. A diverse media demands the truth. How can you lie when someone will call you on it? Deepening corporate control of the media means there’s no one to call these powerful men on what they hide from us, the American people. And so they will continue to lie as long as we allow them to.

“Workers of all countries, unite!” Karl Marx

Email: highlanderctdfan@cs.com