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meat *is*murder

I'm a vegetarian. I don't wear animal products. I believe in animal rights. All my friends are like "How do you do it? How do you live w/out (insert misc. meat product)?" It's just something I believe in. So, if you're a vegetarian & have a site (prefrebably at least a little about vegetarianism) mail me & I'll link you on this page.

Celeb Veggies

mail me if I'm missing someone. Thanks to Maggie for pointing out Drew Barrymore Alicia Silverston, Pamela Anderson, & Michael Stipe
Pamela Anderson
Fiona Apple
Erykah Badu
Drew Barrymore
Paula Cole
The Indigo Girls
Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders)
Paul McCartney
Shirley Manson (Garbage)
Natalie Merchant
Alicia Silverstone
Michael Stipe

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