
Que Se Dice was first started by Justin Barrett and Jessica Cooper. This happened a few weeks after Justin retired from the band Anarchy Joe over religious issues. Que Se Dice formed from one song,"Derek" written by Jess and Justin. Then Josh Barrett, Justin's brother kind of forced himself into the band. The band so far was Jess as lead singer, Justin on bass and Josh on guitar. It took a lot longer to find a drummer who would work. Their first drummer was Dana Reid who they met through a member of Anarchy Joe. He was a very good drummer but family issues took him away from the band. At about the same time Dana left, they thought they would be getting another guitarist, Dan Tickner, but they found out that he actually couldn't play and that he just wanted to be in a band. He had a cool voice though so they decided to keep him for vox.

While Dana was gone we had our "stunt" drummer, Daren Duncan, play for them. He was also a very talented drummer but his parents would not let him play shows, so he would not be permanent. Around here was when Josh DeSantis joined. They liked him because he had a loud, mean voice. After that Daren left and Jess was dropped. So the line up was Dan and Josh D. on vox, Justin on bass, and Josh B. on guitar, but they still needed a drummer. Rob Draker tried a few times for drums but it didn't work out. Finally we met Steve Port who is also the guitarist for Communist Daycare and he was also a very good drummer. They had him try out and he been their drummer ever since.
(not completed)