Dan Tickner - vocals
Justin Barrett - bass
Josh Barrett - guitar
Steve Port- drums
Josh DeSantis - vocals


Dan Tickner - Has ever-changing magical hair. One crazy mofo. We all call hime Ticky but you can call him what you want. Dan is taken so dont mess with him (Jade sez: I'll kick your ass!) go for Josh D. or the SEXIEST of them all: Steeeeeeeeeeeeve.
Justin Barrett - He is the not so ugly actually taken again bassist and thats all you need to know.
Josh Barrett - Short, Cute and Taken.
Josh DeSantis - Hi i'm Josh and I have hair wanna have sex.
Steve Port - Yea he plays drums, he is also in communist daycare. He plays guitar for commie care. He is a cool ass kid and a commie too.