School in Seesion

Riku groaned, throwing item after item out of his closet. "No, this won’t do," he muttered tossing a rumpled shirt behind him. He jumped when he heard a muffled grunt.

"Yeow, you scared me, Sephiroth," Riku turned around and glared at his older brother.

Sephiroth rolled his eyes, removing the shirt from his head, "having trouble, younger brother," he teased, eyeing the clothes that were scattered around Riku’s room?

Riku pouted, "Hush, I can’t find anything to wear. Unlike you, I can’t just role out of bed looking cool."

Sephiroth sighed, "look Riku, you don’t have to try so hard. And believe it or not your just as cool as me."


"Didn’t you ever notice, you’re like a mini me."

"You think so?"

"Sure, now get dressed. School starts in one hour. We don’t want to be late for our first day." Sephiroth ruffled Riku’s hair and left his room, "oh," he called behind him, "I’d go with that green shirt you bought the other day."

Riku smiled. He had forgot all about that shirt. He ran to his desk and grabbed the shirt from the shopping bag that laid on top of it. This shirt really brings out my eyes.

"Chappu," Wakka yelled, running into their room. He was panting. "A...are you ready," he asked?

"Yeah, don’t worry." Chappu stood up, grabbing his school bag. "I’m ready."

"S..sorry," he muttered, grabbing his own bag. "I don’t want to be late on my first day."

Chappu grinned, "nervous huh?"

"Duh," Chappu grabbed his brother and pulled him though the house.

"Bye mom and dad," both boy called out, as they ran out side, nearly knocking Tidus over. He had been about to knock on the door.

"Oh," Wakka blushed, "hey Tidus." Man there’s those blue eyes again.

"Hi guys, I was sorta wondering if I could get a ride?"

"Oh, sure."

"Hey! Hey," Luzzu yelled running up to the three boys. "Room for one more?"

Chappu grinned, "of course," he looked around making sure Luzzu’s mom wasn’t watching and leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Luzzu blushed.

"Hey, love birds," Wakka smirked, "we’re going to be late." Not really, but Wakka wanted to leave.

"On no," Tidus groaned, "we can’t be late."

"Not to worry Tidus, I’ll get us there in time." Chappu walked up to his truck and unlocked the doors. "Hop in. Sorry, it’ll be a tight fit, with four people."

I don’t care, as long as I get to sit by Tidus, Wakka glanced over at the small blond and blushed. You better get your hormones in check. You’re going to scare the boy.

Wakka glanced over at the small blond and blushed.

Luzzu scrached his head, "aren’t we missing someone?"

Chappu grinned, "nope. Quistis picked up Lulu earlier. Now come on, lets go."

The four teens loaded into the truck and Chappu speed to the highschool.

They got to school with thirty minutes to spare. "Hey," a female voice called.

Lulu and Quistis ran up to Chappu’s truck.

The boys climbed out of the truck and smiled at the two girls. After they said hello, they started to walk up to the school.

"So what’s the drill here," Wakka asked?

"The first day instead of going to home room, we all go to the auditorium. The principle talks about rules and junk. Then everyone gets the chance to meet and greet others. Basically the first day is like a party. The teachers are very young and cool." Lulu laughed.

"Yeah, they let you get away with almost anything on the first day." Quistis added.

Luzzu and Tidus nodded, agreeing with Lulu and Quistis.

"Cool," Wakka and Chappu said at the same time.

"Yo," a male voice spoke. Everyone looked up to see a spiky blond haired kid running up to them, another blond following. "Did ya hear," the spiky blond grinned, "the cafeteria is going to be serving hotdogs."

"Gee, Zell," Lulu smirked, "you and hotdogs." Zell shrugged.

"What can I say, I like em." He turned to Wakka and Chappu, "I’m Zell. I saw you the other day at the memorial, but nobody got the chance to talk." He pointed to the other blond, "that’s Seifer."

Seifer slightly smiled, "hey."

"I’m Wakka," Wakka pointed to Chappu, "that’s my older bro, Chappu."

"Come on," Quistis spoke, "lets get to the auditorium."

The others nodded and made their way through the school coming to big double doors.

"Now we have to sit in our grades," Lulu told everyone. "The first section is for ninth grade, the second is for tenth, third for eleventh and forth for twelfth." Each section had about million rows. That’s not true, but you get the picture. It was a very big auditorium.

Wakka and Chappu nodded. Wakka, Tidus and Zell headed for the second section, while Lulu, Quistis, Chappu, Seifer and Luzzu headed for the third section.

"Oh, I feel sick," Sora Uziki mumbled, walking into the large auditorium. I hate going to new schools. He looked around feeling so lost. Where am I supposed to sit? Geez, there’s so many people.

"Hey," someone touched Sora’s shoulder, making him jump, "are you okay?"

Sora looked up into concerned brown eyes. The girl had long brown hair that reached her waist. She was tall and very thin.

Sora smiled, "it’s my first day," he blushed, "I guess I feel lost."

"Hey don’t worry," the girl smiled, "I’ve got your back now," the girl slung her arm around Sora’s shoulders. "What grade are you in?"

"N...ninth," Sora told her.

"Cool, I’m in tenth." The girl smiled, showing set of super white teeth. "Oh, by the way, people call me Yuffie."

"I’m Sora."

"Well Sora," Yuffie led Sora to the first section of seats, "you ninth graders sit in this row." She pointed to the second section, "I’ll be over in that section."

"Thanks for helping me," Sora smiled at Yuffie and took a seat.

"No problem, Sora." Yuffie grinned, and headed for her seat.

Wow, I already made a friend. At least I think so. Sora smiled, feeling a little less sick.

Selphie and Rikku hopped out of Cid’s car and clutched each others hands. "Oh, boy," Rikku moaned, "I changed my mind," she started to head back for Cid’s car.

"Hey Rikku," Selphie laughed. "You don’t really have a chose."

"Oy, don’t remind me." Rikku bit her lip. "So what do we do?"

"Go inside," Selphie suggested.

"Oh, haha, very funny." Rikku rolled her eyes, "you know what I mean."

"I thought it was funny," Selphie grinned. "Um go in and ask an older kid."

"It just might work," Rikku pulled on Selphie’s hand and the two girl walked through the big doors.

"Hello girls," a female voice greeted them, when they walked in. Selphie and Rikku jumped, not expecting someone to speak to them. And right in their ears.

"Hi," Rikku said to the girl. The girl looked to be about thirteen. She had...whoa she had purple hair, and dark green eyes, and she was very short and thin.

Selphie just stared. "I’m Eiko Carol." The girl smiled, "I’m in the tenth grade, how about you guys."

Wahh, she’s in the tenth grade. She looks like a middle school kid. "We’re in ninth," Selphie said, finding her voice.

"Oh, then let me help you find your seats," Eiko smiled, leading the two girls to the auditorium and to the first sections of seats.

"Ninth graders sit here." Eiko smiled, and ran off to talk with some of her friends.

Rikku blinked her eyes a few times. "Was that girl for real?" Selphie giggled.

"I guess. I can’t believe she’s in tenth grade. She has to be younger then us."

Rikku looked around for a place to sit, and saw a brown haired boy all by himself. "Let’s go sit with him," she motioned to the boy. "He looks lonely."

Selphie nodded, "Rikku to the rescue," she teased.

"Oh hush. He has the ‘I’m new to town look, someone please befriend me.’"

Selphie laughed, but looking at the boy, she agreed. So they walked over to him.

"Hey, can we sit with you?"

Sora jumped, looking up at the two girl who had approached him. "Oh, sure."

The girls smiled, sitting down on either side of Sora. "I’m Rikku, she’s Selphie."

Sora nodded, he recognized Selphie from when she had spoken at the memorial. Did that girl say Riku? What’s the chanced of two people in this town named Riku, and one of them a girl?

Sora smiled, "I’m Sora. New in town."

Rikku shot Selphie a look that said, ‘ha, I told you.’

"So how do you like it here so far?" Selphie leaned up, looking at Sora.

"Um it’s okay...except for that rob..." he blushed and trailed off. "Sorry," he looked away, "I have a big mouth."

Selphie smiled, "ahh, so you recognize me. Don’t worry about it. And for some reason you don’t seem like the big mouth type."

Rikku patted Sora on the shoulder, "listen to her. Talking about these sort of things help people heal."

"Okay," Sora smiled. Hehe, looks like I’m racking the friends in.

Zidane moaned, "mom, do I really have to go to school?" Mikoto smiled at her son.

"Yes Zid, you know that," she leaned over him and opened his door. "Now get going, or I’ll call your father."

Zidane rolled his eyes, "oh no, anything but that." Zidane got out of the car. "Bye mom," he called.

His mom waved, then pulled away from the curb.

"Gee, now I’m stuck here."

"Hey Zidane, get your sorry behind up here," Zidane looked up and rolled his eyes.

"Cloud, is that anyway to talk to a friend?"

"Well I don’t want you to be late," Cloud pouted, "I was only thinking of you."

"You’re such a drama queen," Zidane teased.

"Yeah right," Cloud rolled his eyes. "Come on you little ninth grader, I’ll take you to your seat."

"Oh," Zidane bowed, "thank you, you wise tenth grader."

Both boys rolled their eyes and started to laugh, as they entered the school.

Wakka glanced over at Tidus from the corner of his eye. The blond was sitting next to him, staring straight ahead. Wakka couldn’t get over how perfect the boy seemed. He was just so cute, and seemed very sweet.

Zell, who was sitting behind Wakka and Tidus caught the little looks Wakka was giving Tidus and smirked. Hmm, he leaned forward, "see anything you like," he whispered in Wakka’s ear.

Wakka jumped and blushed. "What," he whispered back?

Zell smiled, "don’t worry. I won’t tell."

The panic on Wakka’s face sort of faded. "Really?"

Zell nodded, "sure." Zell leaned back in his chair and looked up at the stage.

Tidus looked over at Wakka, "are you okay?" He hadn’t noticed the whispered conversation, but could see that Wakka looked a little flushed.

"Oh, I’m fine," he assured Tidus, "just nervous I guess. First day jitters."

Tidus smiled, making Wakka nearly melt, "good, but don’t be nervous." He patted Wakka on the knee.

Wakka blush grew, and a strange tingle traveled up his leg. In the back seat, Wakka could hear Zell snort. He thinks this is funny. Wakka closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

"Thanks Tidus."

Tidus smiled, "sure, hey look there’s the principle."

Barret Wallace had just finished his normal first day speech. He looked out over the students and smiled, rolling his eyes. He could see the fear in most of the first years and new students. Geez, people only take in appearances. I guess that will never change.

"Okay, students, now is the time for me to introduce you two our new students." He laughed when he heard a big groan from said students. "Oh don’t moan, it’s a school tradition to say hi to our new students in town."

Wakka groaned, turning to Tidus, "is he for real?"

"Um, yeah." Tidus looked like he wanted to say something, but was too scared to say it.

"What?" Wakka feared what Tidus had to say.

"Well the thing see that protection booth up there," he pointed above their heads, where people did the lightings for plays and things. "When he calls your name, they put the spotlight on you."

"You’re joking!"

"No and it gets worse. Mr. Wallace makes you go to the stage."

Zell leaned forward, "and tell everyone something about yourself."

"It torture really." It looked like someone Tidus knew had to do this, or maybe Tidus himself.

"Okay, kill me know," Wakka muttered. "I’m so going to trip."

"Now when I introduce you, Mr. Steiner, whose in charge of the lights will put his spotlight on you." The groaning got louder. "Then you’ll come up to the stage to tell us about yourself."

That stunned everyone into quietness.

"This won’t take long, we only have five new students in town." Barret took out a piece of paper and looked out to the crowd.

"Sora Uziki," the students looked around as the light from the projection booth swam over them, trying to find this Sora.

Riku Awayuki was dreading his turn, but his heart had lept when Mr. Wallace had said Sora’s name. It has to be the Sora I met.

The light slowed down and landed on a small boy in the ninth grade section. He looked a pale as death. Two girls were sitting on either side of him, encouraging him to get up.

Rikku Highwind smiled, "go on Sora." She patted him on the shoulder, "it won’t be so bad."

"When you talk pretend it’s only me and Rikku you’re talking to." Selphie smiled.

Sora nodded and stood up, trying his hardest not to throw up his breakfast. He slowly made his was to the large principle.

Barret grinned, patting Sora on the back, nearly toppling him over. "Sora, please tell us about yourself."

Sora took the microphone from Barret and gulped. When he looked out he saw a bunch of faces staring at him. "I’m Sora. An only child. In the ninth grade. I’m fourteen." He said, flushing bright red.

Sora blinked in surprise when someone wolf whistled at him, and started to clap. He couldn’t pen point the person, but soon everyone was clapping. He smiled and left the stage.

Barret laughed as he took back the microphone, "geez Sora, it seems you’ve already got admires."

Barret looked back to his list, "Wakka Thomas." Once again everyone watched as the light landed on a startled looking boy, in the tenth grade section.

Wakka felt his face flaming up, when all eyes turned to him, "oh I’m gonna be sick."

"Hey," Tidus leaned closer to Wakka resting his hand on his knee, "only look at me when you talk."

Wakka gulped, nodding. Boy you better stop touching me, or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.

Wakka stood up and made his way to Barret. "I’m Wakka. Fifteen years old, in the tenth grade. I have a brother. You can’t miss him." He pointed to his hair, "he’s the one with his head caught on fire."

Wakka got a few laughs from that, he bet a dirty look from Chappu.

Wakka smiled and went to sit with Tidus again.

Barret chuckled, "speaking of brothers. Chappu Thomas."

Everyone watched as an almost match of the last boy stood up and walked onto the stage.

Chappu grinned, "I’ll get you for that comment, Wakka." He was rewarded with a bunch of laughter. "Hey, I’m Chappu, sixteen, and it the eleventh grade." Chappu smiled, causing a bunch of girls in the front row to swoon.

Barret took the microphone back as Chappu left the stage. "Next we have, Riku Awayuki."

Sora looked up interested, "did he say Riku?" He turned to the Rikku he was sitting next to. "That’s not you is it?"

Rikku shook her head. "Huh, what do you know, there’s another person named Rikku."

Sora nodded, "yeah if it’s who I think it is, then it’s a boy. I met him after the memorial."

Selphie smirked, "on no, not a boy Rikku! The school will never survive. Two Rikku’s"

"Oh hush," Rikku started to pout, "hey look," she pointed to the tenth grade rows. "That him, Sora?"

Sora nodded. Sure enough it was the same silver haired youth he had met before.

Riku glanced over at the eleventh grade section where his brother set. Sephiroth smiled at the boy, mouthing, ‘you can do it.’

Riku stood up and walked the seemingly long walk to the stage. He turned to face everyone and forced a smile. "I’m Riku. Yes my hair is natural. Everyone always asks me this. I’m fifteen and in the tenth grade."

Barret grinned, he had been wondering about the Awayuki’s brothers hair. He took back the microphone and looked at the last name. "Another brother. Sephiroth Awayuki."

A taller, older version of Riku stood up, and walked to the stage. Most of the girls and some of the boys stared openly at the boy.

"I’m Sephiroth," Sephiroth stared at everyone, "I’m sixteen and in eleventh grade. Let it be noted that I’m very protective of my younger brother." Sephiroth gave everyone a look that told him them meant business.

"Thank you, Sephiroth." Barret took the microphone back. "Now’s the time to introduce yourself to those around you, and say hi to the ninth graders. You’re lucky I don’t make all of them come up here." Everyone laughed at this, and most of the ninth graders ginned, thankful they didn’t have to go up there.

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Chapter 7

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