Sabrial and Jecht

Tidus set on his bed looking at the last photo taken of him, his father, mother and baby sister all together as a family. He smiled, a tear running down his pale cheek. In the picture, a proud twelve-year-old Tidus was holding a newly born Abigail. Abby’s cheeks were bright red and she was looking up at Tidus, with what looked like a smile on her face. Jecht, was sitting on his wife’s hospital bed, a loving hand on her shoulder. He also had that proud ‘look at my baby,’ look on his face. His eyes were affectingly looking down at Tidus and Abby. And then there was Sabrial, Tidus’s mother. She was smiling, but you could see the weakness and pain on her features. Her blond hair was up in a sloppy pigtail. Her hospital gown hanging on her bony frame.

Another tear found its way down Tidus’s cheek. His eyes clouded over, the memory of what happened to Sab, as everyone called her, becoming too much for him.

/Flashback/ Nearly three years ago. Dark Ridge Medical Center.

Tidus glanced up at his father, “daddy,” he exclaimed, pulling on Jecht’s shirt, “when can we go see mama again?” Tidus was so excited. He was now a big brother. He smiled, remembering when he first got to hold the little infant girl. She was so small! I can’t believe I can love someone I’ve just meet. But I do.

Jecht looked down at his eager son, then glanced away, but not before Tidus caught his look of pain.

Tidus put his hands on his hips, making his face as fierce as he could, “daddy, what are you not telling me?” His voice had a pleading sound to it. “Is something wrong with mama?”

A dark-haired man rushed into the waiting room, out of breath. A blond closely following.

“Rin,” the man looked at the blond, “please take Tidus for something to drink. I need to talk to Jecht.”

Rin smiled at the dark-haired man, making him blush, when he leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Sure thing, Auron.” Rin walked over to Tidus and pried the boy away from Jecht, taking him down the hall.

Tidus yelled, something fierce, “no you don’t. I have a right to know! I do!” He kicked Rin in the shins, almost at once feeling guilty, “sorry Rin,” he muttered, running back to where Jecht and Auron were talking.

“... sister can’t be,” Auron panted, “how did it happen?” Auron looked like someone had kicked him in the stomach.

Jecht frowned, “it surprised me as well. But we all knew she was sick,” he looked away from the slumped figure of Auron, “I guess giving birth was too much.”

“B...but when I took your guys picture she seemed so happy,” Auron muttered.

“She was, she got to live long enough to see Abby, see Tidus hold Abby.”

“I still can’t believe that my baby Sab is dead.”

Dead, dead, dead, dead . . . Tidus stood unbeknown behind the talking men, a look of pure shock on his face. What . . . what? But we were just in her room the other day. Tears started to pool in Tidus’s eyes. He wiped at them furiously, anger replacing his shock and sadness.

“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?” He yelled at the top of his lungs. He looked at Jecht, who had gone white, to Auron. “I HATE YOU,” he cried, his tears flowing faster down his cheeks. Crying, he ran pass a confused Rin, who was coming back to cheek up on Tidus.

/End flashback/

Tidus sniffed, “man, I was pretty mean to you, dad,” he said to the picture, tracing his finger over his father’s shape. “But you did keep it from me. I was so mad.”

Standing up, Tidus placed the photo in his desk. “I didn’t really hate you. I wish I could have told you.”

It hadn’t been a day after the little incident, when Jecht had been hit by a speeding Mustang. Of course the man had forgot his seatbelt. He had died on impact, and for that Tidus was grateful. At least there hadn’t been any pain.

So here was Tidus, with a brand-new sister, orphans. They needn’t have to worry, because almost at once Auron and Rin had decided to take them in. They were after all Sabrial’s children. And Auron loved them like his own. Rin too.

Tidus looked in his mirror making sure it wasn’t noticable that he’d been crying. All he needed now was Rin asking he what was wrong. Rin was like that. Always being the over the top caring type. A mother hen, if you will.

Satisfied that he looked okay, Tidus made his way to the living room. Rin looked up from the couch. “Hey, Tidus,” Rin smiled, “ready for another day at school?”

Tidus made a face, “this is me you’re talking to.”

“Ohh, come on, school isn’t that bad.”

“Easy for you to say, you haven’t been in school for a bagillion years,” Tidus moaned.

Rin huffed, “all have you know mister, I’m not that old. I’m only hmm, twenty.” Tidus raised an eyebrow, “okay, twenty-five.”

“You can pass for twenty, on a good day,” Tidus smiled.

“Why, thank you,” Rin seemed pleased by the comment.

“You’re welcome. Now I must be on my way.”

“Oh, do you need a ride?”

Tidus blushed, not knowing why, “um, no. I’m going to see if I can car-pool with Wakka again.”

“Oh, well have fun.” Rin handed, Tidus his bag, kissing him on the cheek.

“Will do.” Tidus ran out his front door, running to Wakka’s house.

Luzzu looked at his mother. Sarah was making breakfast, humming to something on the radio. Luzzu’s eyes went wide when he realized what that something was.

My mom is not singing that song! It’s so wrong. Mom’s aren’t supposed to sing songs like that.

“Don’t ya wish your girlfriend was hot,” Luzzu gagged when said hot, “like me, don’t ya?”

“Mom, that is not right!” Luzzu held his ears, “please stop, it burns.”

Sarah turned to her son, surprised, “geez, Luzzu be carful when you surprise me,” she wiggled her knife at him, “or else you could seriously get hurt.”

Luzzu rolled his eyes, “okay, just please stop singing that song!” Luzzu reached over and clicked B97 off. (A/N a radio station we have here in Indiana.)

“What, it has a good tune.”

“Maybe, but moms don’t sing songs with the word hot in them. It’s not allowed.”

Sarah looked at her son and smiled, “what? I’m not pretty enough for that song?”

“It’s not allowed,” he said in a firmer voice.

“Phooey, stupid mom rules. Does all the moms know this?”

“Of course.” Luzzu nodded his head. “It’s in the moms’ handbook. Didn’t you get one?”

“Hmm, I must have misplaced my copy,” Sarah handed Luzzu a plate of hot links, eggs, and other yummy breakfast items, “eat up.”

WAKKA groaned, as he followed Chappu to the living room. “School. It’s just there to torture us,” he plopped down on the couch.

“But look on the bright side,” Chappu grinned, “you get to spend the whole day with a bunch of other young ens.”

“I could do that at a teen club,” Wakka forced himself into a standing position. “We’ll let’s go.” He grabbed his bag, and headed for the door.

He opened the door, his eyes blinking in surprise. Tidus smiled at him, his arm raised in pre knocking.

“Hi,” Tidus flushed, “can I bum another ride?”

Wakka grinned, now school was sounding fun. “Sure,” he looked back at Chappu, “is that okay?”

Chappu nodded, “yeah. Lu left with Quistis, so we have room. I expect Luzzu will come again, so it’ll be a tight fit.” Not that you mind, Wakka.

“Great,” Tidus and Wakka exclaimed together.

Chappu had been right, almost as soon as the three boys approached Chappu’s truck, Luzzu came running out of his house. “Heyyy,” he yelled, “can a cute redhead get a ride.” He grinned, “perdy please.”

Chappu and Wakka rolled their eyes, “come on, you’re not as cute as me and Wakka,” Chappu eyes turned to Tidus, “tell him Tidus.”

Wakka blushed and Tidus sort of smiled, “I am not going to choose. Nah uh, no way.” He raised his arms and backed away from the three redheads.

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you think were all the same good looking.” Chappu pouted, “you’ve got to think one’s better looking then the other.” He grinned, “even straight guys can say when another guy is handsome.” Hint . . . hint . . . wink . . . wink . . . come on say, ‘but I’m not straight,’ so Wakka can make a move. Oh and you still don’t know about Wakka, do ya? It’s amazing Lu and Quistis hasn’t told everyone about Wakka. Of course everyone knows about me, because of PDA with Luzzu. (1)

Wakka sort of groaned, if he admits he’s straight, I think I’m gonna die right here.

Tidus sighed, “okay fine, umm if I have to pick, I’d say, “ he paused. And it should be noted he never admitted to being straight. “Well, I’ve known Luzzu for a long time, so sorry Luzzu I can’t think of you as the cutest. Um, Wakka and Chappu look a lot alike, but mumble mumblee is the cutest.” Tidus flushed deep red and jumped into the truck.

“What?” Wakka looked at Chappu. “Who?”

Chappu shrugged, “all I heard was some mumble.” Chappu grinned, hmm, I wonder. I can’t imagine him thinking I’m the cutest, even though . . . hey I am. So I almost bet he said Wakka. Was that why he was so red?

“Can’t think of me as the cutest,” Luzzu pouted, “whatever.”

“It only matters what I think,” Chappu grinned, “and I think you’re the cutest hands down. Not just out of us boys, but the whole world.”

“Aww,” both boys blushed looking at the ‘Awwing’ Tidus and Wakka.

“Oh shush,” Chappu walked to the drivers side, letting Luzzu get in first, then he got behind the wheel. Wakka walked to the passenger side and climbed in next to Tidus.

On the way to school, Wakka jumped in surprise, blushing when Tidus leaned on his shoulder. He looked at the small blond and smiled, seeing he was asleep. Aww, poor Tidus, he didn’t get enough sleep last night. Ahh, he smells good. Oh cripes, Wakka stop thinking about stuff like that.

Chappu glanced at Wakka out of the corner of his eye and smiled. Aww how cute. I almost wonder if Tidus is faking sleep.

A/N(1) Public display of Affection.

That Song I don't own. For the life of me I can't recal who sings it. It's a song my sister listens to.

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Chapter 10

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