
So far the boat ride on S.S. Liki was going smoothly. Wakka breathed in the fresh air, sighing.

Ahh, that feels so nice. The breeze on my skin. It feels much better then the hot Besaid’s sun on my back all day.

Tidus walked up to the railing, where Wakka was leaning over, looking down at the clear blue water. He had such a peaceful look on his face. “Hey Wakka,” Tidus tapped him on the shoulder, purposely startling him, “don’t fall in, eh.”

Wakka jumped, flushing in embarrassment, “hardy har har, very funny,” Wakka flushed, when S.S. Liki lurched, causing, Tidus to lose his footing and fall into his chest.

Tidus laughed, looking up at the man, that was holding him, “I thought it was funny.”

The boat lurched again, making Tidus yelp, grabbing Wakka around his neck.

Wakka frowned this time, “what’s making S.S. Liki do that,” he wondered out loud?

Tidus shrugged as best he could, what with hanging around Wakka’s neck, “dunno.”

Yuna stumbled over to the two men, turning red. Putting her hand to her mouth, she stifled back laughter. “Um,” she started. Both teens looked at her. “Sorry, am I . . . um interrupting anything?”

Realizing what they must look like both boys flushed, untangling their selves from each other, “what,” Wakka sputtered, “of course not.”

“Yeah, I fell, when the boat lurched.” Tidus added.

Yuna nodded, seeming to them, to believe them, mmm hmm, sure.

“What’s up, Yuna,” Wakka asked?

“I was asking people if they knew what was causing all the lurching about.”

“And?” Tidus yelped again, when the boat lurched, causing him and Yuna to fall into Wakka.

“Owie,” Yuna grumbled, “stupid railing,” Yuna had not only hit Wakka, but her arm had smacked the railing. Yuna steaded herself, putting her arm around Wakka. Wakka smiled, and hugged her close, so she wouldn’t fall.

Tidus felt an odd bit of jealously and wasn’t quite sure at which person the jealous feeling was directed to. The boat lurched again and he almost smirked when Wakka grabbed him, pulling him close.

“Goodness,” Yuna muttered. “I’m getting sea sick!”

“Did anyone know anything about these lurches?” Wakka asked, holding both younger teens tight to him.

“Ah . . . no,” Yuna yelped, digging her fingers into Wakka. “T...they didn’t,” she almost turned green, as the boat’s lurching became constant.

“Well this ain’t normal,” Tidus yelled over the now loud sound of the crashing waves.

Lulu rushed down to where her summoner was, a look of fear on her face. She had just been woken from a nap. Seeing the three huddled up together she slowly and carefully made her way over to them.

“What in Shiva’s name is going on,” she shouted, trying to be heard over the waves?

Yuna held her hand out, and pulled the black mage to them, and the four teens held onto each other. “I don’t know!” Yuna yelled.

“No Idea!” Wakka shouted. Tidus just shrugged.

“Well I don’t like this,” Lulu loudly muttered.

“Eek,” Yuna screamed, a very big wave hitting the boat, and causing all four teens to raise of the ground a foot or so. “I don’t like it either.” Yuna looked around, fear in her eyes. “WHERE IS KIMAHRI,” She yelled! They now had to yell even louder as the sound of the waves had become deafening.

Lulu shrugged, “I HAVEN’T SEEN HIM!”

“KIMAHRI HERE,” a voice shouted. Yuna looked toward the voice and smiled, feeling relief. The cat was a little way away from them, holding a scared looking nun in place. The nun had almost went overboard, when Kimahri grabbed her.

“ARE YOU OKAY?” Yuna looked at the big cat.

“KIMAHRI. FINE. YUNA OKAY?” The nun shivered, tightening her grip on his arm.



Wakka smiled, “WE’RE OKAY AS WELL.”

“Oh . . . oh,” Yuna groaned. “WHEN WILL IT STOP SHAKING?”

Tidus was feeling a bit green himself, “I DON’T KNOW, BUT IT HAD BETTER STOP SOON.”

“WHAT IN THE NAME OF SPIRA IS CAUSING THIS,” a lady yelled, hugging her child close to her?

A crusader on the boat, went white. He rubbed his eyes, not sure if he was seeing what he was seeing.

“IT’S SIN! SIN’S CAUSING THE ROARING WAVES,” the crusader yelled.

Yuna paled, Tidus gulped, and Lulu cursed. Wakka gripped the three to him tighter.

“OH NO, IT’S HEADING FOR KILIKA,” a crusader yelled, he ran to the harpoons.


“WE GOTTA DISTRACT IT! OUR FAMILIES ARE IN KILIKA! FORGIVE US, LADY SUMMONER!” Yuna bit her lip and nodded. The crusader nodded and shot the first harpoon off.

“OH BOY,” Wakka groaned as they were pulled.

The harpoon barely did anything. The crusader shot another one.

“WE GOT TO FIGHT IT,” Yuna yelled.

Everyone nodded, reading their weapons. Wakka, Yuna and Lulu took the front lines, while Kimahri and Tidus stood back, waiting to heal and take someone’s place.

Wakka threw his blitzball at the fin, but it barely made a scratch. Yuna readied her staff, and summoned Valefor. Valefor flew above her and sent an energy blast at Sin. It seemed to do some damage, and Yuna took a deep breath, hoping Sin wouldn’t hurt Valefor too much. Sin went to attack but luckily Valefor was able to dodge, then cast another powerful energy blast.

Lulu cast a fury Firaga at Sin and eight connective spells hit his fin. Valefor took a painful hit, and only had enough health left to cast another energy blast before crumbling into pyreflies.

Yuna choked, “sorry, Valefor,” she whispered.

Wakka tossed his blitzball, slamming it as hard as he could. This caused Sin to lurch and the harpoons came loose. Sin dove, causing a great big wave to hit the boat.

“We can’t stop it,” Yuna cried, watching as Sin speed toward Kilika.

Wakka looked around, confused. They seemed to be mission someone . . . TIDUS

Not even thinking of his own safety Wakka dove over the edge.

Yuna and Lulu’s eyes went wide, “Wakka,” Yuna yelled, going to follow, but was stopped by Kimahri.

“Not safe. Yuna stay.”

Hanging her head, Yuna held her breath, praying for her friends safety.

Wakka swam, his eyes going wide, when he saw a passed out Tidus being attacked by a couple of Sinscales. Wakka never felt so scared and mad in his life. HOW DARE THEY ATTACK HIM! His mind screamed, as he threw his blitzball as hard as he could at the fiends. It was such a powerful attack that right away the fiends dissolved into a bunch of pyreflies.

Kicking his feet, Wakka made his way over to Tidus, casting a full heal on him. Tidus woke up and blinked in surprise. Wakka smiled, thumbing to the surface. Understanding both boy made for the surface.

Just as they were about to surface, a giant Sinspawn Echuilles, appeared. It didn’t take them long to make the fiend crumble in pyreflies. Sighing, as best he could underwater, Wakka, grabbed Tidus and broke through the surface.

Two worried, and one scary face peered down at them. “A...are you guys okay,” Yuna said, silent tears streaming down her cheeks?

Wakka and Tidus nodded, grabbing the helping hands of crusaders.

Once back on the boat, Yuna cured both boy’s wounds.

“Kilika,” Tidus questioned?

Yuna looked down, biting her lip, “it was destroyed. Most of it anyway, from the sounds we heard. Of course we can’t see Kilika yet.”

“We’ll be there in a few hours,” Lulu groaned, “this will seem like the longest few hours ever.’”

“Is everyone on S.S. Liki okay?” Tidus looked around.

“Yes,” Yuna faintly smiled, “thanks be to Yevon for that.”

Yuna turned to where Kilika lay, with a determined look on her face she gripped her staff tightly, “I will defeat Sin . . . I must defeat Sin!”

The little group from Besaid, left S.S. Liki gasping at the sight around them. Almost every hut was gone. It was utter chaos. Tears came to their eyes, even Kimahri felt himself choke up.

A women and man rushed up to greet them.

Yuna smiled sadly, “Greetings! I am the summoner Yuna. I have come from the temple in

Besaid.” Yuna preformed Yevon’s prayer and the two returned the gesture.

“M’Lady summoner,” the women gasped, tears in her eyes.

“ If there is no other summoner here, please allow me to perform the sending.”

“Oh, thanks be to ye!” The man said, sounding grateful.

“Our loved ones . . . We feared they would become fiends!” The women cried.

“Please take me to them,” The women lead Yuna through the rubble.

Everyone sadly followed Yuna and watched as she walked onto the water, and started a sad and beautiful dance. As she dances the water rose Yuna till she’s dancing up on top of the water. The crowd was silent except for sobbing.

Pyreflies start to surround Yuna as the soul of the dead were sent to the Farplane. When Yuna finished, she walked back to her friends, a nervous look on her face.

“I hope . . . I hope I did okay,” she whispered.

Lulu patted Yuna on the shoulder, smiling, “You did very well! They've reached the Farplane

by now. But . . . no tears next time, hm?”

Yuna blushed and nodded her head, wiping the tears off her face.

“If the inn still stands, we’ll stay the night there.” Wakka looked at everyone. They all nodded agreement, and everyone headed out to where the Inn should be.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Yuna exclaimed. “It’s still here.”

Going in side, Wakka looked at the lady at the counter. “We need enough rooms for five.”

Thee lady looked at her records, smiling. “We have three rooms. One single and two doubles.”

“Good, we’ll take them,” Wakka handed some gil over, and took the keys.

“Who will sleep where?” Yuna asked, not really feeling like sleeping with any of the guys.

“Kimahri take single.” Wakka shrugged and gave him the single’s room key.

“Yuna’s with me,” Lulu said, grabbing Yuna’ hand and hiding a smirk when she saw Wakka blush.

“So that leaves me with you, Wakka,” Tidus said, grinning.

“Guess so.”

Lulu and Yuna took their key and left the two boys, giggling.

“What’s with them,” Tidus asked Wakka, feeling like he was being left out on a joke?

“Who know’s with girls,” Wakka said.

“We heard that,” Lulu yelled from down the hall.

Wakka rolled his eyes, “ooh, I’m so scared,” He grinned walking with Tidus to their room.

Walking in the room, Wakka silently groaned, blushing. There was only the one bed. A double indeed. She had meant one DOUBLE bed. Not two single beds.

Tidus didn’t seem to notice, or care. Yawning, he started to strip to his underclothes.

Wakka eeped, looking away. Really Wakka, act like a shy little girl, why don’t ya. Shaking his head, he took off his outer clothes.

Tidus yawned again, going and climbing under the covers. Looking at Wakka he grinned, “coming.”

Oh, you had to say that! Gah!

“Yeah,” Wakka walked and climbed into the bed.

Tidus yawned again and rolled over throughly shocking Wakka when he cuddled next to him.

Wakka blushed, “er night Tidus,” he whispered.

“Night Wakka.”

Yuna and Lulu laughed, climbing into their bed, “Lulu you did that on purpose.”

“Well duh, hah did ya see Wakka’s face, and besides I really didn’t want to sleep with one of the guys.”

“Me either. Haha Wakka’s face was priceless.”

“ you’re not interested in either of them?”

Yuna sighed, “no . . . to be truthful, I’m not so much into guys . . . don’t tell.” Yuna said, sounding scared.

“I won’t, but you shouldn’t be shameful about it.”

“Well, I’m not but . . . I’m just not ready to come out yet, ya know.”

“Sure, I understand.” Lulu smiled, kissing her little ‘sister’ on the cheek. “Sleep well.”

“Okay, you too. Night.”

“Will do. Night.”

Kimahri grinned his scary grin, his great Ronso ears picking up all the sounds from the rooms on either side of him.

“Wakka like Tidus.” He smirked. That was why he’d took the single. Ronso were very observant.

“Tidus seem like Wakka.”

With a smirk on his face the Ronso fell asleep.

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Chapter 3

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