The Shower and In Yuna's Bedroom

Wakka looked at Chappu as he started to take his underwear off, and blushed.

Chappu noticed that Wakka was watching him undress and blushed as well. It didn’t take long before Chappu got his underwear off, and was completely naked.

Wakka did nothing, he was just standing in a daze, staring at Chappu’s large length.

“Um, Wakka...” Chappu said walking up to him and putting his hands on his shoulders, “are you coming?”

“What,” Wakka shouted, blushing deeply.

“In the shower,” Chappu said.

“Oh, oh yes,” Wakka replied, looking up at Chappu’s face. Both boys blushed and looked away, breathing hard.

Wakka slowly took his underwear off, knowing Chappu was watching.

When both were undress, Chappu turned the shower on, and got in, helping Wakka in behind him. For a few seconds the boys just stood, letting the water wash over their naked bodies.

Slipping Wakka fell against Chappu’s body. “Oof, sorry,” Wakka muttered, backing away from Chappu’s body.

Chappu did not say anything, he was still thinking about Wakka’s body touching his.

Wakka gasped when was pushed against the wall, and Chappu started to nibble Wakka’s lips, growing into a deep kiss.

“Oh, Wakka,” Chappu gasped loudly, when Wakka’s hands started to explore body, getting really close to his growing length.

“Can I...” Wakka started to ask?

“Yes! Oh yes!” Chappu yelled.

On the other side of Besaid, fourteen year old Yuna was thinking about her kiss with her cousin Rikku. It had felt nice. It was her first kiss. And she wondered if they’d ever kiss again. I suppose we can play spin the bottle again, she thought, absentmindedly touching her body in places she’s never thought to touch before.

When she realized what she was doing, she blushed. Not really knowing what she was doing, Yuna did not want to stop, because it felt so good. “Oh, Rikku,” she groaned, imagining that it was Rikku touching her.

Bolting up fast, Yuna gasped, “oh, no, I did not just imagine that,” she said, out loud.

“Imagine what,” Rikku asked, as she walked into the room she was sharing with Yuna, while staying at her house?

“Oh, um, Rikku, nothing really,” Yuna lied, her face still red. Yuna hoped Rikku would not ask her about it.

“Oh, Yuna, can I ask you something,” Rikku asked softly?

“Sure, what,” Yuna replied, looking at her blond cousin?

“You know when we kissed,” Rikku said blushing, “I was wondering if, maybe we can do it again?”

Yuna was to surprised to answer right away, “you want to kiss again,” Yuna said, getting redder, knowing she wanted to say yes, but...

“Yeah, I know I’m only twelve, well almost thirteen, but I really want to practice for later, you know,” Rikku told Yuna, looking at her, “and I enjoyed kissing you, Yuna.”

“You did,” Yuna sputtered, feeling pleased to hear this.

“Yes, so can we?”

“Um, well...okay,” Yuna said, smiling.

“Really!” Rikku said happily, walking over to Yuna.

Yuna was sitting on her bed and squeaked in surprise, when Rikku climbed up and straddled her lap.

For a few minutes both girls just set there, not knowing how to start. Finally feeling brave, Yuna leaned forward, and touched her lips on Rikku’s.

Rikku remembered when Chappu had put his tongue in her mouth, and decided since he did that it must be something people enjoyed when kissing, so she pushed her tongue against Yuna’s lips, until, Yuna parted her mouth, giving her access.

“Ah,” Yuna, sighed, feeling all warm inside, when Rikku started to massage her tongue with her own.

Coming up for air, both girls gasped for breath, their cheeks flaming red.

“That was fun,” Rikku gasped, looking at Yuna’s flushed face.

“Yeah, it was,” Yuna said, looking back at Rikku.

“Um, Yuna?”


“I saw a guy, do something to a girl once. I don’t know why, but they both seemed to enjoy it. It freaked me out, and I ran away. But I sort of understand now. You think we’ll like it,” Rikku asked, looking at Yuna’s breast?

Yuna saw Rikku’s look go to her chest and knew what she was talking about. Should we do it? Were too young to be thinking about this sort of thing. But...but...what can it hurt, Yuna thought looking at Rikku.

“Okay, but only if I can do it to you too,” she told Rikku.

“Deal!” Both girls, slowly pulled off their tops, and after hesitating for a second, their bras. When they saw each others round breast, they turned red. Both girls had fairly good sized breast for girl of their ages, but neither had noticed until now.

Rikku stood up and took her skirt off as well, “ah, that feels better. Do you want to take yours off as well?”

Yuna nodded, slipping out of her skirt.

“Now lay down,” Rikku instructed Yuna. When Yuna did what Rikku said, then Rikku started to climb on top of her.

Blushing, Rikku started to touch Yuna, starting on her stomach, till her hands found their way to Yuna’s chest.

“Ahh,” Yuna moaned, as Rikku began to fondle her nipples. It felt so good. Yuna never knew a feeling like it.

Closing her eyes, Yuna jumped and shrieked, when she she felt Rikku’s tongue start to circle her nipple.

“Is this okay,” Rikku asked?

“Yes! Go on,” Yuna moaned.

“Okay,” Rikku said, pleased that Yuna liked what she was doing. Clamping her mouth on Yuna’s nipple she started to suck and nibble it with her teeth, while kneading the other breast with her hand.

A while later, Rikku collapsed on top of Yuna, to tired to go on.

Both girls were exhausted, and fell asleep that way.

They slept all through the rest of the day and the night. Luckily for them, nobody walked in and found them.

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Chapter 4

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