
Go to I Love You, Don't Hate Me

Hermione looked around her at her fellow friends and group of Slytherin wondering why in the world they all agreed to this. It wasn’t like her at all to do this, when she knew nothing good could come of it. Hermione glanced at Fred and George, who held notepads and pens. They walked around the room of requirement, looking at everyone. Fred gave a sexy wink, making the girls blush and boys roll their eyes.

How did they get here? Why did they let Fred and George drag them to this room to product test? This could prove rather deadly. Maybe not deadly, but it sure couldn’t be safe.

Oh right, we all volunteered. Please tell me again why we did that. And why would people from Slytherin volunteer? Hermione thought as she eyed Fred.

Fred tapped his pen against his pad of paper, grinning a mischievous smile. "Okay, we've got, Hermione Granger…” He smiled at the head girl. “…Harry Potter.” Harry crossed his arms, quite nervous about everything. He wasn’t even sure why he agreed to do this. “…and Ron Weasley from Gryffindor.”

George took over where Fred left off, walking toward Draco, who gave him a sneer, as if to say, ‘don’t you dare touch me.’ “Also we’ve got Draco Malfoy…” George rolled his eyes at Draco as the teen tried to look tough. “Pansy Parkinson…” He gave the dark haired girl a wink and in despite of herself, Pansy blushed. “…and Blaise Zabini from Slytherin."

Everyone looked up at Fred and George.

"Please tell me again why we volunteered," Ron muttered to his brothers, giving them a fearful look, though he tried to mask it by looking bored.

Fred grinned at Ron, annoying him by ruffling his hair. "Well, Ronnykins, for one thing we're paying you, so it's not really a volunteering job." They didn’t always have much money, but they did have a good amount after selling products to first and second years last week.

"And?" Ron felt like shuddering. Who knew what his insane brothers had in store for them.

"And it'll be fun," George added with a smile.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Fun," He snorted; he looked over at Pansy and glared. The girl had dragged him to do this for some reason.

Harry and Ron rolled their eyes; Hermione bit back her comment, and Pansy stifled a giggle.

"Yes fun," George said.

"What exactly will we be doing?" Harry asked, not at all hiding how nervous he was feeling.

"Testing our new candies, of course," Fred said with a smile. He opened his hand, and in it was an assortment of colored candies.

"Testing candies," Blaise said, "that's all?"

Ron groaned and looked at the Slytherin. "You don't know about THEIR candies."

"Ron's right, who knows what the side affects will be," Hermione said with a shudder.

"Are you guys backing out?" George asked, a light pout on his lips.

"I never would have dreamed my fellow Gryffindors and Slytherins would be chicken." Fred taunted.

"Chicken?" Draco scoffed, "as if. Bring the candy on."

Fred grinned and gave one of the candies to Draco. "Don't eat it yet; wait till the others have theirs."

Rolling his eyes, Draco nodded.

George passed out the candy and smiled at Fred, who nodded.

"Okay now eat them."

Everyone eyed the candies they held, knowing nothing good would come of this. They hesitantly, one by one started to put the candies in their mouths.

Fred and George opened their notepads and eagerly watched for the candies to take affect; any second now.

Draco started to fan himself as his skin started to feel flushed. His body was becoming so very hot, making him wish for less clothes and a cool pool of water. He glanced over at Harry, his eyes taking in everything about the boy. He’s very… hmm, actually, he’s quite hot…

Gah, I can’t think like this. Draco scolded himself. But soon he found he couldn’t hold his thoughts back. He had to let them out. They were too powerful. Draco tilted his head to the side, biting his lower lip as he gazed at Harry’s body.

"You know, Potter," Draco said, "you don't look so bad, now that I look at you." The effects of the candies were taking hold of Draco first.

Harry blushed, "what?" He blinked, blushing even more as Draco’s eyes seemed to travel up and down his body.

"I mean you're actually cute." Draco walked over to Harry and set down next to the boy. Harry backed away as the blonde tried to wrap his arms around him. When he got his arms around Harry, finally, Draco started to nuzzle against him.

"Draco, are you mad . . . ?" Harry's eyes went blank for a second, then they cleared. Mmm… he is rather attractive… those eyes… that… mmm, just look at his firm… Harry blushed, nuzzling back against Draco.

"Why Draco, I do think, I'm taken by you."

Draco smiled down at Harry, almost lovingly as he moved the boy so that he was sitting… no, straddling his lap. Harry became more flushed, his body on fire.

Pansy and Hermione watched, horrified. Would Fred and George's candy make them do stuff they'd regret later? Goodness, what have they gotten into?

Mmm, oh, my God. That’s… well, rather hot! Hermione thought as she watched Draco and Harry, who were now slowly kissing, sounds of pleasure being emitted from both boys as they grinded against each other.

Oh… Hermione started to breath hard. G-god… I feel hot… Hermione panted, brushing some hair from her face. She bit her lower lip, more flushed. Hot… so hot… She could hardly breath. Too much clothing. She slowly unbuttoned the top three buttons on her blouse. So hot…

Fred leaned over to George, "it'll get the girls soon . . . ah it's got them." His eyes started to twinkle as sure enough, he saw Hermione give Pansy a hungry look.

She’s actually very pretty… her eyes… her hair… so pretty… Hermione gasped, panting more, as she licked her lips. She walked over to Pansy, getting right near her ear.

"Pansy, I just noticed how silky your hair was." Hermione purred into the girl’s ear.

Pansy jumped and blushed, quite startled. She looked at Hermione and smiled, licking her lips. Her eyes went to Hermione’s lips, getting transfixed on them. "Why thank you. Hermione, I just noticed how voluptuous your lips are."

"Mmm, yours are not that bad either."

Hermione pushed her lips closer to Pansy’s closing the gap between them. “Mm,” both girls moaned, wrapping their arms around each other.

By now, Draco and Harry were heavily making out, Harry flat on his back, with Draco on top of him.

Ron looked at his friends, shaking in fear. Would the candy have the same effect on him? If so . . . that meant he'd be making googly eyes at Blaise. Ron looked over at Blaise and jumped. The teen was so close to his face, he could feel his breath. "Uh, what?" He asked, his skin starting to feel very hot.

"Can I kiss you?" Blaise asked, eyeing Ron’s lips, as if they were to be is last meal ever. He tried to move closer to Ron, reaching out to him.

"What?" Ron yelled, backing away from Blaise. "I would never!"

Blaise pouted, looking at Ron, "Just a small kiss."

"No!" That’s so wrong! I would never kiss a gu… but, he is… Well, he doesn’t look so bad. Ron’s skin started to perspire as he became more flushed. I’m quite hot… God… He’s… so close to me… Mmm, he smells good…

"But . . . "

"Okay kiss me," Ron said, blushing slightly. Ron gasped, giving a loud pleasure moan as Blaise’s lips found his own.

Fred laughed, "Knew it'd affect Ron sooner or later."

George nodded and wrote something down.

“Oh, Draco!” Harry yelled, making the twins turn to him and Draco. They grinned.

“The product seems to be really strong. Brings out all their hidden desires…” Fred grinned.

“Draco…” Harry panted, as the blond kissed his neck, his hands entering his pants. “Mmm… Oh!” Harry gasped, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Never before had Harry ever imagined anyone touching him there. “T-that feels good.” Harry moaned, bucking his hips as his length was slowly stroked.

“That’s hot, eh?” George smirked, turning to Fred. Fred nodded, his eyes stuck on Harry’s throbbing erection as Draco ran his hands up and down it. “He’s gonna… no, way!” Fred’s eyes went wide, watching as Draco lowered himself down Harry’s body to take his cock in his hot, wet mouth.

“Never saw that coming… okay, I did, but wow… hot.” George crossed his legs, feeling rather uncomfortable. That probably had to do with his growing hardness.

The twins turned their attention away from Draco and Harry, turning to Hermione and Pansy. The two girls were talking things rather slowly, quite enjoying their selves with kisses and light feathery caresses.

“Pansy…” Hermione moaned into the dark haired girls mouth…

“Hermione…” Pansy looked at Hermione with lust filled eyes.

“Hows Ronny doing?” Fred asked, watching as Pansy pushed a hand up Hermione’s skirt.

George tore his eyes away from the girls, looking over at his brother and Blaise. “Mmm, they’re going at it heavy.” He grinned.

“Is it sick that I‘m turned on?” Fred asked, looking as his hot little brother rubbed up against Blaise, pushing their erections against the other’s through their clothes. They’re mouths were all over each other and moans left them quite often.

“I’m gonna say no, because I’m rather turned on too.” George put his hand over his obvious hard on. “Don’t tell Ron after the effects wear off.”

“As if I would.” Fred muttered.

Six teens glared daggers at Fred and George.

"What exactly were those?" Ron asked, his mind still on the kisses he shared with Blaise, not to mention the other stuff…

"Gay-Yums," Fred said with a grin. "The greatest joke candy, guaranteed to turn anyone gay and bring out their hidden desires for the same sex."

"Anyone?" Ron asked, picking up one of the candies. He saw Harry do the same. Both boys looked at each other and nodded.

"Yes anyone," George told them. "Isn't that mmmfmff."

Ron tackled George and Harry tackled Fred. Both managed to shove the candies down their throats.

"Chew on that for a bit," Ron said with a laugh.

The twins looked at each other horrified, as everyone left them in the room, locking them in. "Have fun boys," Draco could be heard.

"Yeah, real fun," Pansy added.

"Try not to do anything that would break your mum's heart," Hermione said, with a giggle.

"Let us out," Fred yelled, "we need to separate." This was bad! They were already aroused to begin with, and now they were all alone and would soon be under the sway of their own joke candies.

"As soon as they take affect we'll go for each other," George exclaimed. "Let us out."

"Nah, I don't think so," Ron called to his brothers.

Fred looked at George, shaking. "This might be bad."

"You're telling me!" George yelled.

"Yeah, I'm telling you!"

"You know, you're very cute," George said, pulling Fred to him.

"Oh dear gawd, someone help me!"

"You're mine," George said, kissing Fred behind the ear.

"Stop it, George . . . don't do that . . . " Fred let out a involuntary moan, his erection giving a jerk. He bit his lower lip, trying to get away.

George kissed him again, making Fred moan louder. "You were saying?"

"Nothing. Shut up and kiss me." Fred threw himself at his twin, pushing him back onto the bed that seemed to show up just at the right moment. They were in the room of requirement after all. George rolled them around so he was on top and started to tackle Fred’s neck with kisses. Fred’s eyes rolled into the back of his head.

“Oh… Georgie…” Fred moaned, bucking his hips up. George yelled, stars flashing before his eyes as their erections made contact through their clothes.

One the other side of the door, Ron looked at his friends with wide eyes. "We should stop them before they go too far."

"That's no fun," Draco pouted. "They deserve this after what they made us do."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Telling me that Harry wasn't a good kisser?"

Pansy and Hermione started to giggle at the looks on Harry and Draco's faces. Both boys blushed brightly, trying to look away from each other, but they just couldn’t seem to.

"Oh dear god, you do like each other." Ron paled. "The candies had a long-lasting affect."

"Don't be daft, Draco has had a crush on Potter since year one," Pansy said, before she could stop herself. "Whoops." She whispered, catching Draco’s glare.

Draco went red, and it looked like he was about to yell at Pansy when Harry stopped him by touching him on the arm. "Is it true?"

Draco continued to glare at Pansy, but soon turned to Harry. "Yes, you have a problem with that?"

Harry blushed, "n…no, I don't."



"Okay, now that we have that out in the open, how about we save Ron's brothers?" Blaise said.

Ron eeped, opening the door, fearing the worst. He looked in the room and sighed, seeing Fred and George sitting next to each other.

"The affect wore off," Fred explained, his face quite red. His hair was mused and his clothes looked quite rumbled, as did George’s.

"Good thing too," George shuddered, eyeing Fred. He blushed, quickly looking away. Amazing… I never would have… God, I like doing that with my brother… George bit his lip. With out the excuse of the candy, they could never… That would be wrong… so wrong.

"What did you two do?" Draco asked, a smirk on his face.

"You will never know," Fred yelled. You’ll never know what we did and that I liked it.

Nobody really wanted to know, (okay, they kinda did) but they all knew Fred and George had learned their lesson for sure.

The end.

Please tell me what you think. Hehe, what did they do, eh? Well, I hope everyone likes the rewrite. I added more detail to make this fic better.

UGh, the italics are all messed up. I'm to lazy to fix it.

Review get this gear!