Chapter 2

Now that I'm at the point of finally telling Will my story, I'm not sure where to start.

"My brother, Connor and I were born in Ireland to two parents that loved us so much," I started. The beginning; I'll start at the beginning.

Will's eyes lit up, " Ireland, really?"

I smiled, "yeah, can't you tell by looking at us; we're Irish." I chuckled, “I thought the red hair and pale pale skin would give it away, not to mention my accent."

Will blushed, "sorry, I guess I'm not very observant, but now that you mention it, you do look Irish. You have the greenest eyes and the reddest hair, I've ever seen."

"Is that a good thing?" I wondered out loud.

"Well, I suppose so." Will nodded, blushing.

"Well, where was I...oh yeah..."

"Connor and I were really lucky, our parents loved so much and they never seemed to favor one over the other. When we turned seven, Juno was born."

I pointed to the picture, "that's her. It's her thirteenth birthday in that photo. Even though Connor and I were much older then her, we got along great. You never saw three siblings so close."

Will smiled.

"After that photo was taken..." I looked away from Will, pain clearly in my green eyes.

Will frowned, reaching out to touch my shoulder, "what's wrong, Angel?"

I looked back to Will. "That was when everyone found out the truth." I whispered.


I blushed, looking down, "that I...I'm g-gay." I stuttered.

I looked at Will, wondering what the expression on his face meant. I could tell he looked surprised, but there was something else in his expression; I couldn't place it.

"Really, you're gay?" Will's sounded surprised, as I knew he would.

"Y-yeah, does that bother you?" I asked, hoping he would say "no."

Will shrugged, "no, not really."

I smiled, glad to hear that. I would hate to make Will feel uncomfortable. I was also glad that he hadn't pulled his hand from mine, even though he now knew I was gay.

"So what happened?" Will asked.

"Well, you see...I was just coming to terms with the fact I was gay, and I had some...umm, photos."

"Photos?" Will gave me a curious look.

"Heh...ummm, well you know...the kind of photos out of ‘Play Girl' I had them under my mattress, and my dad came into my room and saw one sticking out of my bed. He, being the curious person he is, pulled it out..."

Will winced, "oooh, what happened next?"

"Well at first he thought Juno had hid them there. He would never imagine one of his son's being gay. He got under my mattress and found the rest of the photos and then stormed to the kitchen where, me, Connor and Juno were eating."

"He yelled at Juno, and none of us could figure out why he seemed so mad. Then he threw the photos on the table. Juno shrieked, and looked away, claiming that naked bodies were icky."

Will chuckled.

"I would of laughed to, if I weren't so scared; her reaction was very adorable. "Eww, daddy, boys are icky, naked boys are way worse." She said."

"My dad blinked, looking at Juno, "but if they aren't yours then whose are they?" he asked. That was when a light bulb must of went off in his head. He looked at me and of course the panicked look on my face gave me away."

""You!" he yelled, his finger shaking, as he pointed at me. I'll admit it, I started to cry, hating the sound in his voice; the look on his face. I could clearly tell he was disgusted; outraged."

I looked down, fearing tears might be in my eyes. It hurt so much to talk about it, but I knew Will was right and it did help to talk.

When I heard Will sniff, I looked up, seeing that tears were running down his cheeks. "H-hey, don't cry." I didn't even think, as I hugged him. Will sniffed again, wrapping his arms around me.

"Mom says I'm way too sensitive." Will whispered.

"Do you want me to continue?" I asked, rubbing Will's back to try and sooth him.

"Y-yeah, sorry, I'm okay."

Not pulling away from Will, I went on, ""Dad I can explain," I shouted. I saw Connor and Juno look at me, both shocked. I looked at them, wondering what they now thought of me. Connor sorta gave me a small nod and a smile and I knew at once that he was fine with me being gay. Juno giggled, which caused dad to glare at her, but that showed me she didn't mind either. I was so happy."

"My dad looked at me, "Explain, okay explain." he yelled. He was taking deep breaths and I could tell he was trying to calm himself down."

I moved my head, so I could look at Will. I smiled when his hair tickled my nose.

""Well dad, umm, you see," I started to say. I bit my lip, not sure what to say. I knew that I couldn't lie, my dad would see right through me. I looked down, "Okay, fine, I am g-gay," I whispered."

"What did he do?" Will whispered, right near my ear. Feeling his breath on my ear made me shiver. I blushed, feeling other parts of my body respond as well.

"He went nuclear. He would have hit me had Connor not grabbed his arm."

""Go, Angel, I can't hold him long," Connor yelled to me. Juno had started to cry, so scared by dad's behavior. I looked at them, then to my dad. I nodded to Connor, going to Juno, hugging her tight, then I ran."

I felt tears on my shoulder and knew Will was crying again. I pulled away from him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Please stop crying, Will." I whispered, "You don't know how sad it makes me, seeing you like this."

"I-it makes you sad?"

"Yes, I want you to be happy. I want to see that cute smile of yours."

Will blushed, "you think my smile is cute?"

"Yeah, don't worry; I'm not coming on to you or anything." I smiled.

Why was Will frowning? Was it because of my story, or something else?

"Oh, ummm, thanks," Will said, shyly. "Nobodies ever said something like that to me before."

"You're welcome," I tilted my head to the side, "really?"

Will nodded, "yes, really."

"I'm surprised; you really are cute."

Will blushed, looking away from me.

"I'm sorry, I'll shut up now." Had I gone too far? Was Will uncomfortable now?

"No, really, it's fine. I don't mind." Will whispered. Suddenly he looked at me with a serious look on his face. "Angel, how did you know you were gay?"

"How? Well my first clue was when I went on double dates with my brother and wasn't at all interested in the girls. But what really told me I was gay was the fluttery feeling I got every time I looked at certain guys; how I flushed when a cute boy looked at me. And how I...was turned on when we had to shower after gym."

"Oh," Will said. He had such a thoughtful look on his face. I wondered what he was thinking about. "So after you ran, where did you go?"

"I had nowhere to go; I had no money; and no friends. Connor was the one with all the friends; I was too much of a loner. So that night, I slept on a bench at the bus station."

I shivered, remembering that time. It had been so cold and scary.

Will frowned, "that's so sad."

"The next day, I went back home when I knew dad was at work. Connor met me at the door. He looked sad, I was shocked when he told me mom and dad didn't want anything to do with me anymore."

Will looked shocked, "what? They disowned you?"

I nodded, "yeah, Connor had been calling around, trying to find me a place to stay. He used all the money he had to get my first month rent paid here. Then he helped me move over here."

"That was about a week ago." I said, I sighed. "A day after that, was our birthday."

"You were all alone?" Will said, sadly.

"Yeah, but later when mom and dad were in bed, Connor came over to spend some time with me."

I smiled, “we'd never actually talked about me being gay, but when he came over the first thing he said, was that he and Juno fully supported me."

"That's great!" Will smiled, "you have great siblings."

I guess when I said, 'was a twin' before; Will didn't really catch what I meant.

"Yeah," I looked down, "that was our last night together." I whispered. "He was the one I couldn't save."

Will blinked, "huh? How, why?"

"He was walking down the street as he left the apartment. I watched him leave, my eyes going wide when I saw a car heading toward him. I ran, trying to get there, but I didn't make it before the car hit him."

I looked down, starting to cry. "He died on the spot."

Looking up, I buried my head against Will's chest. "When you found me on the street...I'd just came from Connor's service."

"I'm so sorry, Angel." Will cried, hugging me tighter. "So much has happened to you; I'm so sorry."

"I-I wish I could make you feel better," Will whispered.

I smiled through my tears, "you already have."

"I have?"

"Yes, Will, we've only just met, but you've been so kind to me and I can tell you really care about me. The fact that you want to make me feel better makes me feel better. Thank you."

Will blushed, "you're welcome. And you're right, I do care about you."

"I'm glad, I care about you too."

So it wasn't a love confession, but even so it made me feel really happy. I'll admit it that I find myself drawn to Will. He's just so kind, sweet and adorable. Never before have I had a crush on some guy. Sure I thought guys were cute, but never did I really like someone.

I can't believe it, I've just meet the guy and I already have a crush on him. How will this turn out, I wonder?

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Chapter 3