Chapter 3

Will smiled, pulling away from me. I couldn’t help but notice the adorable blush on his pale cheeks. To me that was a good sign. At least I was hoping it was a good sign. I really liked Will a lot. I wonder, will my heart be broken for a third time?

“What?” Will tilted his head to the side, giving me a curious look.

“What what?” I asked, having no idea what he was talking about.

“What’s on your mind? You had a far off look in your eyes…and you were staring at me.” Will touched his cheek. “Is something wrong with his face?”

“N-nothing’s on my mind,” I blushed. Of course I couldn’t really tell him what was on my mind, at least not until I was sure he’d return my feelings. “And there’s nothing wrong with your face.” His face was flawless; prefect.

Will pouted, which just made him that much more oh-so-adorable. With that lip of his jutting out. He looked so kissable.

“Aw, come on, Angel, that was definitely a thinking face.” Will said.

“Nope, no thinking.” I grinned, playfully tapping his nose.

Will blushed, “now you’re just teasing me.”

“Maybe,” I chuckled.

“You are!” Will jutted his lip out further.

“Oh come on, you know you love it.” I laughed.

“I so do not love being teased,” Will huffed, crossing his arms.

Too cute; Will was too cute.

Laughing, I put up my hands, “all right, I apologize.”

“That’s more like it,” Will smiled, uncrossing his arms.

Smiling, I got up from the couch. I held a hand out for Will, smiling wider when he reached out taking my hand. With great interest, I watched as Will’s face went through many shades of red as I helped him stand.

“Come on, I’ll fix us something to eat; you’re hungry, right?”

Will looked to the wall, where the clock was hanging. “Ohh, I didn’t even realize it was so close to lunch time. And now that you mention it, I’m starving.”

“I’m hungry, too. So what would you like to eat? I’ll make whatever you want.” I smiled, never dropping Will’s hand.

I blushed, blinking in surprise when I felt Will give my hand a squeeze. I smiled, looking at Will as he smiled back at me.

“Umm, I… What have you got?” Will tilted his head to the side.

I chuckled, “uhh, just what you’d expect a single bachelor to have.”

“Not much then?”

“Not much,” I confirmed.

Will laughed, “then, I know!” Will pulled on my hand, pulling me toward my door, “we can go out and eat. My treat!” Will grinned, “whatever you want, we’ll get.”

I had to tell myself that this wasn’t a date; just Will being nice. But I couldn’t help but want to believe that this was maybe the start… of something between me and Will.

“A-All right, but you don’t have to pay for me, I have money.”

“Don’t be silly, I want to pay for you.”


“No buts, this is my treat to you because you’re my newest friend.” Will squeezed my hand again, pulling me the rest of the way to my door. I blushed, letting him drag me out the door and to the stairs, then finally out of the run down building.

‘Hey,” Will stopped walking, causing me to run into his back. I blushed deeper, backing away from him.

“Hey what?” I asked, trying to sound normal. Was it my fault that my voice sounded a little high pitched from embarrassment? Okay, so maybe it was my fault for falling for Will, but in my defense, it’s kinda his fault too.

“Why is your face so red?” Will asked, poking my cheek. This only caused me to flush more.

“What?” I could feel my heart start to pound. Would Will figure out what was on my mind? “The sun..It’s hot out.” That had to be the lamest lie, but it was the only thing I could think of.

“The sun, really?” Will moved his head to get a closer look at my face. My eyes went wide. It would be so easy to close that small gap and kiss him. So easy. I can even feel his breath on my cheek.

“Yes, the sun, now let’s go.” I pulled on his hand to get him walking again, “I’m starving. Did you hear that? Man, that stomach of mine is loud when I’m hungry,” I chuckled.

“Wait, I didn’t hear anything.” Will gave me an confused look. I’m sure he thought I was going nuts and I wouldn’t blame him one bit. I was going nuts.


“Man,” I grinned, pushing my plate away from me. “That was really good.” I looked over at Will, seeing him nod in agreement. His mouth was too full, so he couldn’t answer at the moment.

“Mmm mm,” Will mumbled.

I grabbed a napkin, reaching across the table to dab at the corner of Will’s mouth, “you know, you’re supposed to get the food inside your mouth.”

Will blushed, playfully pushing my hand away, “hey, I know that.” He looked down, biting his lip.

“That’s adorable,” I uttered before I could stop myself.

Will, with his eyes wide, looked up at me, his cheeks stained, “What i-is? “

I blushed, shaking my head, “no, never mind.” I looked away from Will.

“No, I really…what is?”

“T-the blushing and when you bit your lip,” I mumbled.

“Are you…do you…?”

I looked over at will, wondering what he was trying to ask. I noticed how flustered he looked and that he had brutally murdered his napkins. The poor things never stood a change. As I watched, another napkin met the same fate as the others as Will grabbed it and started to nervously twist it in his hands.

“What?” I asked, my voice soft.

“Are you… what I mean to ask… umm,” Will gulped, looking down, “A-Angel, I know you said you thought I was c-cute, but…are you…?”

“Are y-you attracted to me?” He shouted, causing many heads to turn our way. Will turned maroon, as people around us started to whisper.

My eyes went wide, as I looked at Will. How was I supposed to answer that? If I told him the truth…would he be okay with it? But now that he’s out right asked me, I can’t lie. No I can not lie to him about something like this.

“I-I’m sorry,” I whispered, “y-yeah, I am.”

Now it was my turn to look down. I was too scared of the expression I might see in Will’s eyes. I know Will has given me many signals, making me think he could like me back, but that could be wishful thinking on my part.

I looked up at Will, my heart racing, my whole body hot. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding when I saw that there was the start of a small smile on Will’s face. True it was a unsure smile, but it was a smile all the same.

“I-I think…I’m attracted to you, too,” Will whispered.

“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, “you thing…?”

Will smiled, “I’m sorry, I’ve never had feelings for anyone before…I’m still kinda confused.”

“That’s fine, Will, I’m just glad you have any feelings for me at all.”

Will blushed, “well, I do. I-I feel happy when I’m close to you and I like it when you say those things about me… though I get really flustered.”

“I like it when you’re flustered; makes you even more adorable.”

Will covered his face, trying to cover his blush, “Stop that, you tease,” Will mumbled.

I smiled, taking Will’s wrists in my hands. I pulled his hands away from his face, “you don’t have to be so shy,” I whispered.

“I-I can’t help it.”

I leaned forward, still holding Will’s wrists. Will’s eyes went wide as my face came closer to his. I grinned, knowing what he was expecting.

Sorry Will, it’s too soon for that.

Grinning, I let go of Will’s wrists, caressing one of his cheeks.

“You are a tease!” Will pouted, cutely.

I smiled when he leaned into my touch.

Laughing, I ran my thumb across his cheek bone, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You were…” Will blushed, “umm, what I mean is.. I thought you w-were going to kiss me.”

“Whatever gave you that idea?”

Will huffed, “Well you were and..ummm…”

Smiling softly, I figured, what the hey, as I leaned forward placing my lips on Will’s. Maybe it was too soon for our first kiss, but I really didn’t care.

“Mm,” Will gasped, his eyes going wide. I smiled into the kiss, putting my hands on Will’s shoulders.

This is nothing like I’ve ever felt before. I feel like life is being breathed into me. Like before this, I was not really alive.

Will really is an angel; my angel.

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Chapter 4