A/N 3rd pov will be popping up now. Sorry for keep changing the POV. I hope it isn’t too confusing.

3rd POV: 

Will hiccuped against Angel’s chest, his fingers almost digging into his skin through his shirt; he shuddered, sweat rolling down his forehead and chin. Angel frowned, holding him as tight as he thought the other could stand. He never wanted to let go of him.


“Will,” Amy said softly, as she brushed light brown hair out of her worried blue eyes. She set down on the couch next to Angel and Will, worrying over her bottom lip. “Can you tell us...” She paused, eyes meeting Charisma’s dark brown orbs that mirrored the same fillings.

Charisma put a hand on the smaller woman’s shoulder, seeing the girl was quite upset. She was a wonderful therapist, but never before had she been faced with something like this.

“What happened?” Amy finally got out, not sure if she even wanted to hear the details. ‘I really need a new line of work,’ Amy thought, then shook that thought from her mind. Because if she did do that, she wouldn’t be able to help people like Will.

Will shuddered again, from just thinking about telling everyone the things he remembered.

Like what his father had made him and his older brother do; how he’d gotten hurt and ended up in the ICU at the hospital; how his mother didn’t seem to care what was going on in the house, because Will was sure she had some clue. How could she not?


All of it.... all of it had came back.

Angel sensed Will’s hesitation and held him tighter, rocking him back and forth in a soothing manner.

“Just tell us what you can, Will,” he whispered, wishing for the sweet Will he’d grown to know and love...


Angel blinked. ‘Since when have my feelings been that deep?’

But even though it was soon... too soon, Angel knew without a doubt, that he cared for and loved this small teen in his arms. He’d fallen so hard, and frankly he didn’t want to get up again.

He wanted his Will back.

Will smiled a little, “thank you, Angel.”

The sixteen year old took a deep breath, bitting his lower lip.

“I-it’s not what you all think... well some of it is...”

The teen blinked a few times... How to explain?

“Before... I even go on, I know what you all think; I can see it in your eyes. Dad... he didn’t rape me... you know... but...”

Even so it was still horrible what he’d made Will and Xander, Will’s brother do.

He loved his brother so much, now to learn he’d been suppressing this! But he didn’t blame Xander one bit; no he did not.

He remembered how it started....

Riley walked into the room, staggering a little. It was obvious that he’d went drinking after his shift ended. You could just smell the booze oozing from his hair and clothes.

Will looked up, not noticing this of course, as the thirteen year old was pretty oblivious to most things. He smiled at his dad, going back to the video game he was playing with his fifteen year old brother, Xander.

“Hah, I’m winning,” Will yelled, yelping in surprise when Xander playfully tackled him, straddling his waist. He tickled the younger and smaller teen without mercy.

“You’re what?” Xander asked, grinning down at his brother.

“I’m winning and you know it,” Will said, innocently bucking his hips up, “get off.”

Xander rolled his eyes, “you have to try harder then that to get me off. I’m way stronger then you,” Xander said, of course not thinking about anything perverted as this was his cute little baby brother.


Someone else in the room was thinking different though. Riley smirked, sitting down in a chair, his dark eyes zeroed in on the two who were playing quite innocently, but to others, it could look erotic. At least to others with sick minds.

Will pouted, “Aww, Xander, get off. You’re heavy and it hurts.”

Xander laughed, “I’m not hurting you, baby.”

Will bucked his hips hard, three times in a row, “get off, get off, get off,” he said, each time he thrust his hips up. 

“Beg for it.” Again this was a innocent comment leaving Xander’s mouth, but Riley let out a little pleased grunt, his drunken eyes taking in the whole scene.

Will rolled his eyes, “ohh, please, please,” he yelled, humoring his brother.

Xander laughed, rolling off Will, “Fine, but next time, you won’t get off so easy.”

His cheeks flushed from playing Will went to fix his pants, which had lowered a little because of their playful antics.


Will jumped, blinking at the tone in his father’s voice. His hands paused on the hem of his pants, he looked over at his father.

“Dad?” Will whispered, yelling when in less then a second, Riley was across the room, Will shoved against the wall.

Xander jumped up, eyes wide and worried, “dad!” he yelled, “what are you doing!?”

Riley smirked, “teaching teasing boys a lesson.”

Will blinked, confused. Even Xander, two years older then Will was confused. What was he talking about?

“Dad?” Will whimpered, quite scared now.

Xander raced across the room, trying to pull his father off Will. He could now tell and smell that his father was drunk.

“I see, you want in on the fun too?” Riley smirked, “Very well.”

He threw Will to the bed, then surprised Xander by grabbing him by the neck. “Get on the bed with him, or I will beat him.”

Xander gulped, but did as Riley said. There was no way that he wanted to see his beloved brother hurt by their drunk dad.

Riley crossed his arms, ‘hmming’

Will stopped talking right there, getting choked up. “I can’t go on,” he said, burying his head against Angel’s chest.

Frowning, Angel nodded, “very well, but you are not going home, until we know everything.”

Amy and Charisma nodded.

“Yes, consider yourself kidnaped,” Amy said.

Will nodded, numbly. “Okay.”

He smiled, thankful for these people. In time, he’d be able to tell them everything and maybe they’d be able to help him... help him find a way to punish his father.

A/N Please review! 

Review get this gear!

Chapter 9