[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
I’m sure all of you are asking yourselves what I am doing out here surrounded by all these beautiful ladies. Well, besides the fact that I have got to be the luckiest man on earth, and all of the rest you losers are sitting out there eating your hearts out because you not me… I have decided that this show tonight needs to be livened up. So with that in mind, I went to each of these stunning ladies and asked them to lend me a hand in doing just that. Now, what is that you ask?. Let me tell you… I have decided that as a special treat for both all of you and for me as well… we are going to have a diva lingerie show with all these ladies you see standing in this ring, as well as some still waiting in the back.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
I see you all share my excitement at the idea. Not being one to stall around, I therefore say, without any further discussion, we get this show right under way. So, if we can get some music going that is appropriate for the occasion….
Randy turns to the entrance as the music is cued, then he turns his attention to the lovely divas. First up was is his former girlfriend, Maria as she walks to the middle of the ring and looks at Randy with those adorable eyes. She then faces to the crowd then runs her hands down her sides then up to her head and through her hair.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
…And now that we all seen what the lovely Maria brought to this show… I say we move on..
Being the next in line, Torrie was up and she struts to the middle of the ring biting on her long pearl necklace and blows a kiss to Orton. Torrie looks to the crowd as she kisses two fingers and points to them as they cheered her. Then the former Playboy covergirl begins to show her stuff as she slowly unbuttons her top even touching herself as she looked at Randy.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
Torrie Wilson, proving just way she was Playboy’s top selling Playmate with her edition in their magazine.
As soon as Randy called Alex she made her way over to the middle of the ring and runs her fingers through her hair in a seductive way. She walks over to the ropes running her hand along the top rope and lifts her leg on it. Alex shows off a little as she slips out of her dress, the cameras pan back and forth to Randy, the divas and Alex.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
…God is great to be me right now!… and now…. Ashyln Hart…..
As Ashlyn was introduced next the fans roared into cheers bringing a smile to her pretty face and she stepped one by one to the middle of the ring in a spunky fashion. She looks at Randy as she approached him telling him to help her out of her dress lifting her arms up above her head nodding and smiling.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
Thank you God….. There is something to be said for a girl that flexible… On Ashlyn you are a woman of many, many talents… But now..
Randy studies the mysterious box, he lifts up the red satin cover as it revealed it to be Candice Michelle's Playboy cover and he raises an eyebrow. The timekeeper slides a chair in the ring, setting it up and Randy doesn’t know what’s going on neither do the divas. The box begins to rise revealing Candice Michelle as 'What Love Is' plays over the pa sound speakers. Randy steps back as Candice runs her hands along her sides and moves her hips in a circular motion getting a good reaction from the crowd only because Mickie wasn’t with her.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Hold it right there...cut the music.
The fans boo as the music stops and Mickie heads down the ramp beginning to speak into the mic again. Candice gets off Randy as smiles.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
You set me up!!
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
I hate to break the news to all of you.....Trish Stratus will not be completing in this lost cause. I repeat Trish Stratus isn’t participating.
The fans boo as Candice smiles while Mickie was already in the middle of the ramp, Randy looks at her intently.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
So Candice sweety, you don’t need to be in it, your too good for this. Its only Randy's cheap way of having to stare at women in their lingerie and its a cheap way for these women to have him stare at them. Randy just get this over with and name Candice the winner.
Randy says something the mic doesn’t pick up and Mickie laughs. She walks up the stairs and enters the ring.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Im crazy? Randy Randy Randy.....the man of destiny, the only thing your destined for is a love triangle gone wrong. You know how to make a big mess of things don’t you Orton? I mean telling girls you love them when you really don’t. *looks over at Maria then back at Orton* Your good for that because they're stupid enough to believe it. I wouldn’t call them your girlfriends; I would call them your victims. Lets talk about Trish for a second, the woman who truly holds the key to your heart, doesn’t she Orton? I mean you don’t give a crap about Maria or Shayne but you do love the attention they give you don’t you?
Aftering hearing that Maria lowers her head a little and Mickie not giving a care in the world continues talking.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
They're just little detours until you make it home to Trish....I bet it just eats you up inside knowing she's back there with Batista, his hand brushing the strands of her soft blonde hair out of her pretty face, telling her things your scared to tell her or how about when he kisses her tenderly just the way she likes it... that kills you doesn’t it? Wishing you could trade places with Batista but you cant because she knows your piece of shit and deep down inside, you know she’s right. You don’t love Shayne, you don’t love Maria.... your still in love with Trish, aren’t you? Trish is your world, she’s your everything...........she completes you. *laughs* Im only saying this because obviously you don’t have the balls to.
Randy stares at Mickie for several seconds then finally finds a way to raise the mic up and speaks.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
You know Mickie, you seem to feel you know me pretty well, would that be an accurate statement?.
Mickie nods her head, mouthing the words yes.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
You also seem to feel that you can read my mind so to speak, that you know every thought I have. Am I getting that right?.
Again Mickie nods her head, as Randy only smiles.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
So then… if all that’s true, why bother coming out here and interrupting what not only these fans want to see, but obviously what all these lovely ladies and myself… want. Mickie if your that good, if your so capable of reading people’s minds and guessing what they are all about… what the hell are doing in the CMF?. Why don’t you go get a summer job in a traveling circus or county fair and guess peoples height and weight on the midway, you damn freak!. I have never had trouble in saying what I feel or doing exactly what I want. Which is why I am telling you now you got exactly three seconds to take your loud mouth out of this ring before I plant you dead center in the his ring with an RKO. Don’t think that I won’t Mickie.But if, for some reason you do have any doubts, why don’t you ask Candice What happens when you piss me off one to may times?… which your about to do.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
I have....three seconds before I get myself an RKO....I'd think I would hold that though if I were you.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
Oh? how so?
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Because of this....
Mickie points over at the c-tron as it shows someone tied up but then it begins to move up the body and then up to Trish's pretty face....a little blood coming down from her mouth, her hair less than perfect, her head limping forward. She was cold, hurt and pretty much helpless. Randy's eyes widen in concern as he saw the condition Trish was in, his sight never leaving her image.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Do you wanna RKO me now? Because if you do...you'll never find her...
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
Where is she?
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
I'll never telllllll
He had enough of her attitude, he throws a raging look at her and yells in extreme rage.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
I dont know....
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
You're lying!! .....where is she Mickie? Where did you take her?
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Hmmm I don’t feel like telling you right now.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
Im losing my patience with you....your on very thin ice.
Mickie shrugs her shoulders, Randy now completely frustrated and Trish begins to shiver as he starts to talk to her.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
Trish! Trish! ......can you hear me?
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Oh she hears you, she can hear everything you say but doesn’t mean she’s gonna answer you....looks like somebody beat her up pretty bad. I wonder who could of done such a thing.
Randy was about to pounce at Mickie but she saves herself by throwing Maria in front of her and makes a quick slide out of the ring as Candice joined her. They stand ringside as Mickie continues to speak.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
you know come to think of it....I think I left Trish in that big kitchen freezer, not sure because she was putting up a fight and obviously she didn’t win.
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
The kitchen freezer?
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Yup but im so sure....
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
If Trish is in the kitchen freezer....she'll freeze to death.
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
Exactly.....then there will only by one TRUE Trish Stratus and that will be ME!
[Legend Killer] Randy Orton
You're psycho...how do you live with yourself?
[Psycho But Deadly] Mickie James
The real question is....are you gonna save her and show your pathetic following that your a lying bastard? OR you could also live by that saying....don’t know what you got until its gone. Happened to you before didn’t it Randy? Wasn’t her name Ali, she's dead now because of your stupidity.....I wonder if your gonna add Trish's name to that list.
Mickie drops the mic as she laughed evilly and Candice raises an eyebrow smirking as Randy still handcuffed in the ring with the rest of the divas as they begin to look for the key wondering where Trish could be. Candice stops in the middle of the ramp pulling out the key for both set of handcuffs flashing it to them. Then the scene fades as the fans quite worried about Trish and her whereabouts.