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4/5/00~ I've been workin on an image to put on the front page that you can just click on to go to links. Dan has said he will definately play the drums...Sarah said she will definately sing. The parts of back-up vocals for Theresa are still wandering around...we're unsure if she's going to be in it or not now. Our practice is gonna be scheduled and whoever doesnt show will be kicked out. a simple solution i guess.
4/1/00~April Fools Day! Wow I haven't updated in awhile. Our old bassist is gone, but we have a potential bassist in our grasp...a crazzy girl from rochester, NY. I doubted she'd be able to do it, but she can get rides every other weekend to meet so we'll see how that works out for now. We need a girl drummer...or even a temporary guy cuz dan is being stupid and we've been having trouble getting a hold of him. He's willing to wear a dress to be in it but then he disappears...hmm. well we need a girl drummer anywayz so if your interested e-mail and put "drummer" in the subject part. Well I'm going to work on the local and favorite band parts of the page, ta-ta!
3/2/00~ Snaps part of meet the band was updated, and the idea for my ex to 'guest-rap' was brought up for a song. AOL has sucked lately so we haven't really been able to get online to update. OLC was added to the local bands, and we are trying to think of a new name. When we change it, our web address will be the same until we decide to buy a server addy but that will be awhile.
2/23/00~ This "news" page, "local bands" page, and "fave bands" is created, and "meet the band" is worked on. The search for a drummer to replace Dan is still on...Dan is in another band and won't have much time to devote to this band.
2/22/00~ Gabby says she would play bass in the band. Their friend Nikki said she wants to sing back-up vocals. A couple people already know about the band.
2/21/00~ The "meet the band page" is created, and images are uploaded. Rainbow's friend, Nicole, mentions that she knows someone who plays bass...her old friend Gabby.
2/20/00~ Rainbow calls up her ex-bf, dan, and he agrees to join as drummer. The webpage is begun, with Mark (LI) and Airik(OLC) helping them. The logo is created by Rainbow and added to the site. Poems by Rainbow are dug out and looked at for song-quality. They still need a bassist. Their friends want to join, Rainbow and Dan are the only ones who own instruments.
2/19/00-2/20/00~ Melanie and Sarah decide to form a band...but need a name. 30 names later, they finally like one and Somebody's Problem is born. Melanie will play guitar and Sarah will sing. They decide on nicknames...Rainbow for Melanie becuz it was her nickname when she had colored hair, and Snaps for Sarah becuz it just sounds cool. Now for the rest of the band.
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