Yeah, so this page is all about the local scene from my perspective. Um, gee, where do I start. One thing I'm pretty sure a lot of people like to do in the local area is to go to shows. Places like the Brewery and the Record Exchange (on Hillsbourough St.), the Foundation, and the Cats Cradle usually alwas have a pretty decent show goin' on. The Foundation and the Record Exchange are free. Also, there usually tends to always be someone at Crabtree Valley mall, although there isn't much to do there unless you plan on doing some crazy stuff in K B Toys. But Razzle Dazzle is a pretty sweet store and the arcade's allright. Hillsburough St. is a pretty all right place to chill. There are sum cool stores like the Record Exchange, Curious Goods, Buddah's Belly, and my friend's mom's book store Nice Priced Books. Also, the bowling alley there is my favourite one around, so that's spiffy. And if you can't find something to do in one of those places, it's always fun just to mess around and go cruizing or something. Also, downtown Raleigh and Pleasent Valley Promanade provide sum good skateing ground. So come check it out.