HIV/AIDS project

 Project Goals 

The main goal of the project to impart knowledge and understanding of  common men in issues related to HIV.


Facilitate collaboration & communication between government agences, NGO and educational institutions working for HIV programmes. Ensure local decision making bodies have increased access to information and study materials 

                                                                                                                                    Available Project Document  

Project Appraisal Document

Integrated safeguard datasheet

Project-at- Glance

Status            Active 

Approval date    08-july 05

Closing date       31-june 10

total project cost 64Cr.

Major Sector  Education


Funding agency  World Bank

Project implementation

   The team identified internal & external evaluation resources and infrastructure needed   for the implementation of the project. The work plans were evaluated to understand the key elements, and steps taken in the implementation of the project. The team drafted program monitoring and evaluation questioners. The survey was conducted to understand impact of the project.

The evaluation findings are shared with other agencies to help them in the  implementation of similar kind of projects. The dissemination of results well also reduces the duplication of evaluation efforts that might result due to unawareness of finding of this study.

 Useful Links

Information about project Coordinator

Inspection Panel