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Last updated: 02/16/2002
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In the eye of any computer programmer, this section is like a computer joke because the things you see here are not worth being here at all.   But just for trying to make this page longer and just for trying to do something different from other personal computer web pages, i'm going to put this section here anyway.  Keep in mind that the files you see here ain't "quality software", they're just programs i've written over the years of learning how to program.  The purpose of this is to keep a log of what i do and to amuse myself when i look back at this page (yup, that's right... i'm kinda insane huh?).  All the programs here share the same dos console interface, not the "cool" interface where you can use the mouse, drag and drop, or things you see in windows programs, so don't expect too much from the newbie.  Hope you all enjoy a good laugh at this section...

File name Description Last updated
hello This program prints out "Hello World!" to the screen.  It is a traditional starting program for beginners but it wasn't my first.  The program i first started with was sum2num. 12/23/00
sum2num My first prog, it calculates the sum of 2 numbers.  This is a simple prog but it did take me about 2 hrs to finish because i had trouble getting the compiler work properly.  This is now my favorite program, it becomes my starting prog for every new CPL i have my hands on. 12/23/00
sumprod This is the first assignment in a C programming class i took.  Like sum2num, it calculates the sum of 2 numbers, but in addition, it also does the product. 05/13/00
sapslof3 2nd assignment.  This one prints out the sum, average, product, the smallest, and the largest of 3 numbers. 05/13/00
oddeven 3rd ass.  Tell whether the number input is odd or even. 05/13/00
dcaofcir Ass #4 was a written exercise.  This is the 5th ass, it calculates the diameter, circumference, and the area of a circle based on the given radius. 05/13/00
totsales Ass #6. Calculates the total of a sale based on what kind of product and quantity sold.  This program once gave me a headache. 05/13/00
multiple Ass #7. This one tells whether the second # is the multiple of the first. 05/13/00
gcd Ass #8. This prog prints out the greatest common divisor of 2 numbers.   I wasted 2 days on this one, mostly for thinking about the definition of GCD. 05/13/00
ticorder Ass #9.  This prog calculates the grand total of the flight ticket sale based on the destination and quantity sold. 05/13/00
datefmt Ass #10. Converts dates in the form of mm/dd/yy to Month dd, 19yy.   Error checking fully supported.  but THIS PROGRAM IS NOT Y2K COMPLIANCE 05/13/00
palind This is the classic prog, it tells whether the line input is a palindrome or not.  This one was the extra credit ass. 05/13/00
proptaxr This one is an assignment given in a COBOL class, I accepted a challenge from a friend to write this COBOL program using C.  I forgot what it does but it got something to do with property tax report.  Perhaps it is the longest C prog i've ever written. 05/13/00
cardplay A C++ ass.  This program displays the cards on players' hands given the # of players and # cards to be dealt.  I know it doesn't really do anything but at least it's the start of a card game.  The card object for this prog is given along with the ass.  This is the first time I play with objects in C++. 12/26/00
wargame This one is much better, it's a simulation of a War Game, it's more interaction but only the computer players have the fun.  This prog keeps running until there's a winner, this could take somewhere between 2 minutes to forever (at least it seems like that on my 166Mhz computer).  It would take even longer if you run by double-clicking on the exe, so it's best to redirect the output to a file and view it later.  I don't know about you, but the least output i can get is a 155KB text file.... 12/26/00
playdice An experiment with a set of 12-sided dice, you can roll the dice, display them, inspect each die, and you can select any # of dice for the set. 12/26/00
postcalc Don't misunderstand that I only do gambling progs like cards and dice, this one here is for educational purpose (at least i think it is).  This is a calculator that evaluates postfix expressions (operators come after operands, ex: 2 3 + evaluates to 5).  Scanner class is a given in this ass. 12/26/00
uopgpa Perharps the longest C++ prog i write.  It keeps records of students' grades and calculate the gpa based on my school's system (UOP).  The reason i start this one is that b/c i have too much free time on my hand, plus i have 2 sisters and 1 brother go to the same school i go, so it'll take less time to calculate/predict our gpas using a computer program, which does the same algorithm but faster.  But I realize that i was wrong after i almost get it done: one can easily do this whole damn thing with an Excel worksheet, with more friendly interface.  Anyway, this program is for people who don't like using mouse (yeah..right, there's any left...) and for whom that want to play with keyboard commands like old dos days.  Sometimes, even i wish that i've never started this prog at all.  But i have to thank this prog cuz i think it gives me enough experience to move on to the next level of computer programming..... 12/31/00
(v1.3 - 6/20/01)
yep, this is it...finally the first 'real' program: Divide And Conquer (DAC) is a 'lame' program that randomly assigns who will do what in a group project.  This is done in my free time during the first session of summer school to prepare for my cs group in the next semester.  The full documentation of this prog can be found here.  This one is still under testing, if it's found useful for our group, there'll be some killer improvements in the future...:-) 08/02/01