15 minutes late started before they knew it in early '99 when Singer/songwriter Brad Chagdes joined Captain Fantazzle. He gracefully quit (or was kicked out nobody really knows for sure) but stayed good friends with the guys. Being a "Hippie Rock" band, Brad really had little place being punk and all. But, a year later the drummer and bass player decided to back up Brad for a short demo so he could send it out to places to find a band and start a career. After their first practice they were very shocked to find that they felt natural playing together and kept writing. Steve Lyons (bass) and Chris Smith (drums) being influenced by bands like Phish, Moe, Red Hot Chili Peppers...and many others...give a unique sound to the 60's Rock/Punk style which singer/Guitarist Brad Chagdes writes. All in all the band is about a few simple things...energy...fun...and cute punk rock girls.

15ML Homepage- www.angelfire.com/punk/15minuteslate

Email- fifteenminutesl8@aol.com

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