Punktuation-What is the name of your band?
We are called NO REDEEMING SOCIAL VALUE - otherwise known as NRSV. We
are often confused with Iron Maiden because of our long hair and huge
genitals in our spandex.
P-Why did you guys decide to call yourselves that?
NRSV-Actually, a friend of ours said that we were the biggest pieces of
crap that he's ever known and that we "have absolutely NO REDEEMING SOCIAL
VALUE." So it kinda stuck. Obviously, we killed that cocksucker and kept the name.
Thanks Jim, you fuck!!
P-What style of music do you play?
NRSV-We are mostly known for our HARDCORE stylings, but we've been known to
rock a metal jam, or a country tune, or even a rap song here and there.
P-Please describe your sound:
NRSV-Our sound is loud, and heavy and very dangerous - like Evil Kinevil on
crack. We have influences in all genres of music and our sound reflects that.
But on the first listen - you'll probably hear a lot of Old School Hardcore. The
kind your momma used to love.
P-When have you been around since?
NRSV-We've been around since 1988. We used to be a bad hardcore/punk band - now
we're even worse.
P-What albums have you put out and what line up changes have you made?
NRSV-Albums include:
NEGATIVE IMAGE 7inch (1990)
SKINHEADS RULE 7inch single (199??) .....it kinda becomes a blur at this point.
NYHC DOCUMENTARY Soundtrack - feat. NRSV, VOD and others.....(SFT Records)
HARDCORE YOUR LOUSY ASS OFF cd- the complete SD50 sessions.
THC- our latest, greatest, CD on Triple Crown Records.
We've also been on a shitload of comps. including AREA 51 (Victory Records), New
Found Hope comp., and too many others to remember right now. As for past line up changes......also too
many to recall - but all the past guys that were ever in the band - we've killed them
so that they can't bother us anymore. Except Vinny Value - he played with Warzone
and now is in Grey Area. Our old singer Mike D. went insane.
P-Who writes all the material and what is the source of inspiration for the lyrics?
NRSV-We all come up with the music and lyrics. Someone will have an idea
and someone else will run with it for a while, then another guy will pick
it up and change it around a little and etc..etc...until it somewhat
ressembles a song. The music and lyrics shouldn't be taken too seriously though,
they make make you blind.
P-Who comes to a No Redeeming Social Value show, and what should they expect?
NRSV-Who comes to see us - the dregs of humanity and scum of the earth. The
lowest common denomonator of society, usually. Mostly people with lots of
energy to dance and have a good time. That's what our shows are all about -
fun, fun fun. And beer of course. I can honesly say, you never know what's
gonna happen at an NRSV show - but either way, it'll be a blast!!!
P-What direction do you think punk and hardcore is headed in? Do you think it is for the better?
NRSV-Well, I think it's definitely headed in the direction of being accepted
more by the average joe. With the influx of punk bands on the radio, the
trickle down effect is being felt on the underground level as well. Punk rock will
always be punk rock - for better or worse. Hardcore, is a different animal though.
I mean when NYHC first reared it's ugly head, the scene was WAY different - in a
more positive way. HC existed solely for the underground and for the select few that
knew what was up. There was more of a united feeling surrounding the scene.
Nowadays, every one and their mother is in a band (usually pretty shitty one at that), and
a lot more clubs/ venues are aware that they can capitalize on the HC crowd.
That combination makes for a lot of poor quality shows/albums/ etc....... But, the scene
has grown to more of a worldwide thing now....and that's pretty good!! You gotta take the
good with the bad I guess. So where as, in 1988 you might have seen 1 HC show per month
at CBGB's featuring AF, SOIA, and JUDGE. Now you have 10 shows per week, at 10
different venues, featuring 100 bands - some good, some shit. I guess it depends what
your tastes are. Personally, I prefer to see no more than 3 bands playing the same 4
chords. But that's just me........HC is still alive and that's all that really matters. Dont'
forget the struggle......
P-Have you noticed a difference in the scenes of the different places NRSV has toured?
NRSV-Oh yeah!! The scene is totally different everywhere we go. Some cities have
like 100 people in the scene and everyone knows the other people. Then
you go to Europe and people are driving between countries to see their favorite
bands play in France to Germany to Holland, etc.....Also, their HC scene there
is a lot more politically motivated and oriented. Bands, zines, and people are
more politically conscious about their music. Sometimes, we get shit for playing
skinheads rule in Austria or whatever....but no matter where you go, someone is gonna
think you're nuts. The scene in NY is pretty good for us now - but in general, I dunno
where it's headed. Hopefully onward and upward.
P-Do you think that a more united scene is being created or do you see more apathetic kids coming to shows?
NRSV-Well, where as I used to know everyone in the scene by name or
face...now I know half, that's either because the scene is growing or the old
people that were involved are no more. But, either way I think the scene is pretty
strong and will always be around even if there are only a few bands or zines
or record labels. People should not take it for granted though....NYHC is a
good thing and in years to come people will realize that one way or another.
P-What do you think the ultimate goal we're striving for is?
NRSV-In the scene, in life, on the toilet, in school??? What are you
sayin??? Personally, I strive for total inebriation on the regular. Other than
that, you know you just gotta maintain - or so they say. If it's hardcore you're
talking about...I think striving for the ultimate goal was squashed when a
great label, STRIVING FOR TOGETHERNESS died out. Their goal was to
bring HARDCORE music and lifestyle to another level (ie. STRIVE). But, who
else is doing that now...who else is doing anything different???? Who else is striving???
P-How might we achieve this strive?
NRSV-Well, I dunno. I mean, like I said, where are the bands that are
pushing the limits, where is the musical experimentation (and I don't mean HC meets
Rap, or HC meets Metal - that shit is so weak!!). What I'm sayin is bands like
Warzone, AF, JUDGE, YOT started something so original - where have we
taken it from then???? I mean, is this all Hardcore has to offer, I dunno. That's
why I drink so much --- it's all just sooooooo confusing. But in my heart and in my
mind, I believe that Hardcore music should stay outta big business and stay in the
streets where it belongs. ALL YOU KIDS OUT THERE - you gotta KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!