JUNE 2005

Yippe, Summer is here!! There has been next to no activity in the Born Stupid camp, but expect us back sometime soon, before the year is out!....Meanwhile, Michey has been busy making a Music video, doing his own splendid version of 'Stand By Me'....check it out here:

MAY 2005

As you may or may not have noticed, there hasnt been any news updates for a couple of months. Well this is because there has been no news to report!...Michey is currently working on a dvd/video to be released through imbecilik. things will be back to normal very soon!!

FEBRUARY 2005 - bloody drummers!!!

Well, it's all gone tits-up, again!!...Matt has decided that he hasnt got time for the band after all so he wont be coming once again BS are without a drummer!!..So if any of you think you are up to the job, email .

we are going to try and do the gigs we have booked, with a stand in, or possibly help from Jack, we're not really sure yet...but rest assured that normal service WILL be resumed ASAP!!!


Happy New Year one and all!!!....Thanks to everyone who came and saw us at The Fez. We had a brilliant time...except for the screw up with the sound guy at the end of our set!! As you know, we delayed recording...well guess what...we've had to postpone again!!!....Jack has been ill and is out of action for a couple of weeks...but soon soon, we promise!!!! On the gig front...we got loads of stuff coming through hopefully but nothing as yet confirmed...we WILL keep you informed!!


Ho Ho Ho!!!...Merry Christmas one and all. Less than a week until 'The Gimp's Punk Spectacular' at the Fez on the 22nd December. Also playing are On Trial, The Skangsters and Coffin Nails. Doors are at 8 and Born Stupid are opening the show, so get there nice and early.

Other news is that recording has been postponed until January. Anyhow, see you all in the pit on Wednesday!!


Back gigging this month at last!!!!! the new line up debuts at kidderminster on the 18th. (more details on the gig section). The date for recording has changed to the second week of december. gives us an extra week to work on the new songs, which incidentally are sounding pretty damn sweet!!!!.

Apart from getting ready for recording we're pretty much just trying to get shed loads of gigs booked up for the coming months. we should be in croydon in early december....but we're still trying to confirm a date for this......meanwhile register on the BoRn sTuPiD message board


Welcome to the new NEWS section of the website, which I promise will be updated with monthly reports. Lately the guys at BoRn sTuPiD haven't really had anything to report, but at long long last(!!!) we have recruited a new drummer, by the name of Jack. Jack will debut at the Kidderminster show on the 18th November, so please if your in the area, come along and show some support! his profile will appear here soon (basically when Jack can be arsed to do it!)

We have also booked the first weekend in December to go into the studio to record some new stuff for a 7-track mini album/EP thingy.....and of course we will keep you posted on this.