






::view my guestbook::
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name: zack

job: none. kick ass. wait, no. i also have no money...

residence: north carolina

siblings: brother, jonah

pets: rufus the dog

religion: Jew!



music: cursive, weezer, modest mouse, our lady peace, osker, placebo, radiohead, portishead, deftones, tool, boy sets fire + more! yeah!

movies: 6th sense, snatch, clerks, sword for truth, akira, trigun, MECHANICAL VIOLATOR HAKAIDER(ha).

food: asian food, especially sushi and dumplings.

japan in general

hobbies: drawing, props mastering, loitering, being a ramen iron chef...


Sex Guru Rajeev. everyone else hates me so so much.



7th heaven, bitchy gossip-mongering people (like the mother on 7th heaven), religious fanatics who have never left their respective county(like the mother on 7th heaven), liars cheaters and backstabbers (like the youngest daughter on 7th heaven), wussies who take a lot of shit from everybody (like the youngest son on 7th heaven). now that i think about it, almost everything i don't like about people can be summed up in the characters on 7th heaven. and yet i must watch it. know your enemy, i always say. i also dislike homophobes, racists, and cold sandwiches.



"do you ever get the urge to do that to skinny people? break their arms?"

