fuck the facts reviews


DEDFUK (20 songs) These guys play violent Grindcore music fro the depths of Canada, of all places. The music was all recorded on a 4 track recorder & sounds really raw, just the way I like it. Everything is just blazing by at the speed of light. It Grinds at times & it slows down for a breather & then smacks you in the face with another blast!!! I love this stuff!!! Think of DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN combined with ENTROPHY.

G.U.C. zine #15....

Eine Band aus Canada von der ich vorher auch noch nie etwas gehort habe. 1st aber kein Demo mit lauter neuen Songs, sondern eher eine Zusammenstellung ihres bisherigen Schaffens, denn es sind Songs aus den Jahren 97-99 vertreten. Die Songs besitzen eine Lange von 0:16 min bis 10:00 min, also eine ganz schone Bandbreite. Die kurzen Tracks sind dann auch eindeutig dem Grindcore zuzurechnen, wahrend der Rest dann eher im Death Metal Bereich angesiedelt ist. Leider werden die Ohren aber auch mit irgendwelchen undefinierbaren Gerauschen konfrontiert (Schmerz lasse nach), die echt nerven und mehr als gewohnungsbedurftig sind. Leider sind die meisten Titel so chaotish und krank und eigentlich auch nur fur, die ganz Harten zu empfehlen. Ich konnte mir das echt nicht jeden Tag geben. Wer sich zu denen zahlt, wende sich an folgende Adresse:


Some pretty cool & sick grind/noise experimental shit from Canada. I started to lose interest mid-way thru but at just under 60 min. it was bound to happen. 6.5/10

LEATHER 'N' SPIKES zine #5....
Almost 60 minutes of weird grindnoisecore with riffs, yes there is music in it. It is quite noisy, chaotic, fast and brutal. That’s why I like it, there is an aggressivity very close to death or even black metal. The vocals are typical grind death screams. There’s a drum machine but it’s not too bad. This Canadian act should please all maniacs hungry for violence and noisy brutality. There’s even some strange noise / industrial parts and other samples that can only be listened to on acid or something.

YOUR SEX IS MY DRUG newsletter #2....
Ce groupe canadien officiant dans la sphere grind/noise/electro-indus nous propose 20 titres et autant d'hymnes au bruitisme. Alternant passages/titres noise-indus et passages/titres grind (les plus interessants), F.T.F decape vos tympans, vous brule les neurones a l'acide et jette votre cadavre aux chiens. Ce groupe de chez DEDFUK RECORDS semble avoir pour seul et unique but de vous faire mal...Il faut cependant etre habitue pour se farcir certains passages noise/indus! Ca fait mal mais on aime ca! Ouiiiii.... Je pense que cette K7 va faire plaisir a tous les adeptes du SM, c'est en effet la bande-son ideale pour toute soiree "je te fouette le cul et tu en redemandes" ou "tu aimes quand je t'attache au radiateur, hein?!!!" Bref, totale douleur en perspective a l'ecoute de cette K7 qui possede une efficacite redoutable en vue de se destroyer la tete! Recommande par le bon docteur SYMBOLIC en tout cas!

LA LETTRE DE SAPPHO zine #11....

5/10. Cette demo de FUCK THE FACTS regroupe des titres apparus sur diverses compilations et split-tapes de 97 a 99 et la devise de ce groupe est l'extreme, le grind core et le noise principalement. Cette cassette permet d'apprecier toute l'evolution du groupe sur les vingt titres presentes. Le grind core reste le style ou FUCK THE FACTS est le plus a l'aise, les titres noise, eux, s'apparentent souvent a un amas de sons delirants sans structure ni objectif. - La Lettre de Sappho #11

VAMPIRE zine....
This demo made my head hurt for many weeks. The reason for this is that Fuck The Facts is a grind/noise band. And I'm not into noise, I don't like that musical (?) style. Although the noise tracks take about half of this demo (not because there are so many noise songs but because these are very long), I can't state that this demo sucks. Because the other stuff, the grindcore songs, is very cool. Especially the tracks on side A make it clear that FTF really know how to write some great shit which makes yer head banging. This demo is actually a review of the whole musical history of the band. The first songs are recorded most recently and the last ones are the first written and recorded. To name some of the great grindcore tracks: "Getting paid for it", "They lie", "He won't leave alive", "Destructive relationship", "Revenge tactics" and "Living on your knees". I hope FTF will concentrate on the grindcore stuff in the future, 'cause that stuff really kicks major ass!

The best thing I can say about these Canadians is that Release Records should pick these guys up. Death/Grind/Noise plain and simple.

LEDO TAKAS zine....
Canadian sickos have already outstripped all expectations, since they are above an average grind bastards. Rather unusual to hear grindcore band, which besides usual metal madness deliver ambient industrial noise in addition. So quickly proposed, such a company of sounds might appear suspicious, but let's better delve inside it. This material is certainly diverse, range varies from truly grinding primitivism to even close to grinding death and black metal riffs, and then again - to more psychedelic backgrounds, lined under the purely industrial music. At times you may wonder why they are mixing these qualities, as such noisy ambient is considered as more intellectual muzak, than grinding metal. So it is one of the following reasons: either Fuck The Facts do enjoy both milieus, or they are still searching for their own niche in the scene. Since they are composing their material for three years now, I would still consider this passion for variable stylistics. It is not easy to make long grinding tunes for them, and here is probably the difference between the two kinds - experiments start to take place on non-metal fields, invoking them to think over longer and more decent structures. I must confess that such ambient noise is not my favourite, but at least I can tell you that it is none the less worse than other experimentalists coming these days. At times it goes as weird to slightly oppress the mind, and that is a positive thing for a band of such kind. Aye, must mention that this tape contains chronological memorabilia of Fuck The Facts recordings, dating from January 1997 up until late 1999. Quite a few of 20 tunes have been appearing on various underground tape compilations, and finally the band has got them together with new stuff for this tape. More than one hour of this mixed brutality, but it cures thy brain unlike many shitty grinding amateurs.

DAEMONUM newsletter....
Death Grind con influencias Black (solo en la forma de vocalizar) y muy pero muy por fuera de todo tipo de armonia musical y tecnica alguna. 20 temas con sonido muy incierto, a veces a medio tiempo y a veces a velocidad de rafaga. De sonido regular y presentacion que dejan mucho que desear, aun asi lo consideramos razonable, Por cierto por ahi hay una rola que como odie. pense que mi estereo se estaba tragando la cinta, pero no, era Topon con su escandalo.

Grind/noise with ambient soundscapes just isn't my bag. This tape was way to long. Rather disappointing.

BAST zine....
These kids create wonderful low-fi grindy noise, mixed with all kinds of riffing culled from variuos metal sub-genres, but mainly noise. They also throw in several interesting electronic noise tracks to make this demo all the more annoying (which is a good thing - read on). Drums are supplied by a michine and are programmed most impressively. The guitarist(s) has some pretty cool and original ideas and keeps up with the manic pace of the music accuratley. Sometimes FTF throws in some obscure sample/noise over top of the songs which screws with the clarity of the song creating a nice layer of obscurity which oddly fits the music. At first it got on my nerves, but i think I'm beginning to understand the aesthetic behind bands using electronics to mess with the formula. And that is just it, they're messing with the formula, and it can be pretty cool at times and dumber than hell at other times. Fortunately, FTF mixes things well for an intense experience. Also, I realize this is a demo, but i would've like to have seen some of the lyrics. Song titles like "Strapped For Love" and "Getting Paid For It" left me curious to say the least.

Even though this is the Ottawa band's first release, the tape is already a compilation of sorts with many tracks having previously appeared on different samplers. Regardless, FtF is Topon's follow up band to the now-killed Kuru which saw it's last show in that city on February nineteen. Much like Kuru, FtF is a confused entity, with songs in many different styles - even if the variety is partially explained away by the span within which the songs were composed, namely 1997-1999. The band manage an Autopsy-inspired track very well, then display a penchant for a semi-speedy Euro-death romp, before descending into a segment (based on the background samples) akin to the very first noisecore gig captured live in Calcutta. You can almost hear the snake charmer in the back ground accompanying the brutality of the noisecore. Er, yes. It is truly chaotic and you'd expect nothing else from the following address I suppose.

INPHOBIA zine....
Fuck The Facts presents you with the original, experimental and a little bit ambiental style, full of crazy melodies, chaos of sound and a mixture of complete madness. The recording doesn't seem to be a professional one and lacks clarity, nevertheless the crushing aggression, certain absurdity casts a spell upon your degenerated souls and hold them to the very end. Many different things you can find on this material, definitly it isn't easy music to listen to but all daredevils being able to go through it will be granted slaughtering experiences of unique visions. Fuck The Facts' stuff is simply beyond description - so you should check it by yourselves to be able to construct your own opions about that Canadian assault.

Canada's answer to Razorback Records, perhaps? At any rate, D.F. Records is a by-the-fans-for-the-fans, do it yourself oriented label, indeed hailing from the Great White North and indeed specializing in the most extreme music the mainstream is too scared to release. F.T.F. fits nicely with the label's rebellious, to hell with convention attitude. Their music has firm roots in old school grindcore and projects this stance with no room for doubt. There are also quite a few traces of black and death metal unleashed as the band rip through such excessive pieces as "They Lie," "Turntables," "All Gone," "Scratching the Surface," "Destructive Relationship," "Lack of Imagination" and "Living on Your Knees," to cite a mere handful of the songs making up the whirlwind of chaos awaiting you when you aquire this.