mastectomia / fuck the facts split tape reviews

Canadian death-thrashers F--k the Facts appear to personify the term "do it yourself" as they have been spreading their name entirely through word of mouth and independant tape trading. It has likewise recently become habitual for the band to release split cassettes with overseas musicians they remain in touch with to distribute throughout the metal underground. As the majority of these releases have resulted from live recording sessions, their raw quality along with the cassette's inexpensive packaging, and of course musicianship's cutting edge brutality quite accurately reflect the punk spirit. F--k the Facts continue extending the limits of tasteful noise, becoming increasingly extreme each time we hear something new. Their compositions explore goregrind, black metal and thrash while transcending to higher planes of sickness. Gore freaks will probably eat these tracks up on aggression alone, in particular the variations brought to thier cover of Slayer's classic "Necrophilliac". Poland's Mastectomia rely more heavily so to speak on brutal death metal with a taste of goregrind thrown in. As they supplied only five songs to this cassette altogether and i haven't previously heard anything by them, I don't have enough to go on although they sound promising.


Polish newcomer band (at least to Metallian Towers) Mastectomia and Canada's premiere preachers of noisecore have banded together for this all out grindcore attack that clearly harbours a lot that death metallers can rejoice in as well. Not pulling any punches, the two bands go for the jugular with grinding guitars, looooow vocals and a couple of Suffocation riffs to boot. Very cool stuff that might not be the tightest, but is still guaranteed to kick the tail of your average Pantera/Emperor fan for years to come. The choice is yours. You can either discover the stars of tomorrow...or stay a poser forever.