s.m.e.s./fuck the facts split tape reviews


Encore (et toujours) une K7 pour vous exploser les neurones... Les habitues de "Y.S.I.M.D." connaissent deja F.T.F. et son grind / noise extra et plein de brutalite, les autres ont interet a se depecher de faire leur connaissance car ils manquent vraiment quelque chose. Les hollandais de S.M.E.S. joue dans la meme categorie, c'est-a-dire une musique qui a pour seul but de vous detruire en miettes avec cependant un petit cote electro. Cette split est excellente, bien brutale et originale. A se procurer sans attendre (et je dis pas ca parce que je la distribue, ah, ah).


I always laughed at the idea of electronic music in metal, especially when there was no metal in music. So S.M.E.S. gets dismissed for being in the wrong mag. F.T.F. has improved leaps and bounds from their last release. This one has more coherent grind parts with some dissident riffs woven in. There's still a few too many samples for my taste, it can be distracting at times. These guys are almost ready to go to the Berzerker's level. Definitely one of the most improved bands from last issue!

GOOD TIMES magazine....

This was created in the true underground spirit of brotherhood between like-minded musicians into composing the most bizarre and extreme noise possible. Eindhoven, Holland's S.M.E.S. and Quebec Canada's Fuck The Facts got together to release material on a D.I.Y. produced split cassette. The presentation of the material hints quite strongly at the straightforward, unpretentious spirit of old school grindcore, throwing all convention to the wind while plowing ahead at top speed. This atmoshere is particulary resonant in the song Fuck The Facts offer here. Leaning closer to experimental and electronic territory, S.M.E.S.' material showed potential although the production could have done it a bit more justice.


I knew it! Dedfuk Records which is distributing this tape has an affinity for soccer. This is their second release with allusions and references to the mighty sport. As reported in issue 32's news pages, here is the split release of the Canadian and Dutch bands and let's not mince core here, this is akin to Brutal Truth barfing their guts out on the electric chair. This is technoindustrialnoisenoisecore with the usual number of samples which, it works everytime, gets friends who have out-stayed their welcome moving on like a charm. Order this DIY tape, if a fan, for $4 and enjoy titles like Untitled, Sell Out! Sell out! Sold, I'm a Humaphobe and The Gift of Shit.

BLACK HOLE magazine....

Following the idea "do it yourself", the cooperation between these two little labels ( ' colocar nome de ambos), release a great split cassete with "S.M.E.S" and "Fuck the Facts". The cover layout and production is very simple but still cool, with all necesary infos that you need. "S.M.E.S" is an absolutely fuckin' sick grind phenomenom, very well done drum machine cuts, fuckin' great, raw, harsh and filth guita, and deepest agonizing drowned in blood vocals. It reaIly reminds me the german porno grind gore masters "Libido Airbag". Another virtue are some cool weird eletronic beats, but 1 don't know if it's a keyboard or a video game, song, but it's great at all !!! "S.M.E.S", certainly will receive lots of invites to release stuffs, I've heared about a split Cd with the U.S gore freaks "Slough", let's wait !!! "Fuck the Facts", completes this great cassete. Grind as fuck, a mix between the early "Undinism's" and "Festering Puke's" stuffs, but with some different aspects such as the drum machine. Hyper screamed vocals, weird and fast guitar riffs mixed with some slow parts, but nothing which may its work worse. If vou have a label and want to release a split 7"Ep or something else check these sick bands and you'll have the answer. Get this split cassete and have this duo of true grind inferno in your collection.