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A Fire Inside

AFIs' new release "the Art of Drowning" has already cleared the 15,000 mark in just 3 weeks after its release. So I think this cd may bring AFI into the main frame and they already are being played on east coast radio stations... The tourdates are fully updated now. AFI will also be on the Australian 'VANS' Warp Tour next spring. Keep checking back for more updated info.

Coming Soon too the site...

AFI affiliated sites

SOUND CLIPS.. coming soon!
Join the AFI e-group
An Interview with Jade of AFI from Nitro about the latest AFI news'
Daveys' project: Son of Sam
AFI Official Site
AFI @ Nitro Records
Nitro Records
Tiger Army Official Site
Rancid soon to be on tour w/ AFI
<--- back too the main page
