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Welcome to my wide world of GOB photographs. Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry?. If not, please do not STEAL these pictures and put them on your site. Email me first, and I will most likely say "Yes". Also, thank you to Erin for sending me some great pictures to put up! Click on the description of the picture to get a larger view (since I can't make thumbnails...haha!).

Pontiac, Michigan Van's Warped Tour 2000

These pictures were taken by me, from he front row..err,by the barrier thingie.

Warped Pic 1 <~Theo and Craig

Warped Pic 2 <~Theo (with Tom and Gabe in the backround), and his wonderful, wonderful face

Warped Pic 3 <~Hey, look! Its the whole entire freakin band!

Warped Pic 4 <~~Nice back, eh?

Warped Pic 5 <~Another picture of the whole happy band

Warped Pic 6<~Just Theo, Gabe, and Tom, playing their instruments and singing too!

Warped Pic 7<~Craig, Me, and Tom. (Please no emails saying "You look like a freak!" because I already know).

Cleveland Pictures

Erin gets credit for these pictures, because she took them all! See gobster's links page to visit her site.

Pic 1 <~Da band

Pic 2 <~Theo, complete with Big Wig shirt

Pic 3 <~Theo again

Pic 4 <~Most of the band playing their instruments on the stage

Pic 5 <~Most of the band still playing their instruments on the stage

Majestic Theater Show (Detroit: April 27, 2001)

Sorry, I have no pictures of the show. Security did a pat down, so I couldn't have gotten a camera in if I hid it up my butt (sorry, I know that was immature :) Let me just call these "Lindsay is happy" shots.

Majestic 1 <~Theo and me. Awwww, look, were going to enter a ballroom dancing competition together.

Majestic 2 <~Tom and me. We look like best friends in this picture. I like to think we are, but mom says not to lie to myself.

GOB Group Pictures

These are pictures from different places. You may have seen them, or you might not have.

Group 1<~This is the barn picture (is that enough of a description?)

Group 2<~This is known as gobsky. You've probably seen it before. Nothing special.

A Promo Pic<~I'm sure many people haven't seen this picture. Tom and Craig signed it. Its a really big picture, so it might take a bit to load.

Signed CD Cover Back<~Confusing description, eh? But that's what it is...

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