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Stories of Sum 41

Summersault 2000 : Winnipeg MB

This was a wicked concert, (not to mention the first that I've ever gone to) It was one of the greatest days in Winnipeg. The sun was out, it was a high of 27 (celcius) or something like that, and I was pysched for the concert to start. My brother Miles, my best friend Ashley, and Me had no idea who the opening band was at the time, but we couldn't wait anyway. We walked around the stadium we decided to go and stand at the village stage, and wait for the first band to start. After standing there, watch 10 guys run around this small stage, we found out that the first band was Sum 41, and I realized that Greig Nori was helping them set up. (I had no idea why) So finally, after an hour of waiting there, they started to play, and they were wicked! They rocked hard, with their fast tunes, and funny lyrics. It was great. But I was so far back, that it wasn't perfect. I found out later that my friend Kristen was right up against the! But I still had a great time watching them. After listening to their first single, Makes No Difference, I realized that I had heard of them before. I had saw their video days before on Much Music. (the crappier version of Makes No Difference), where they guys are running around with water guns, and causeing mayhem. The set was good, and they had a big finish, where Stevo was wearing a thong and a big black Mullet like wig, and he shook his ass for the audience.

Right after their set, they went over to a clothing booth in the venue, (well Cone and Dave did), So, we had to go meet them. We slowly made our way over, and the guys came and sat down. I got my shorts signed my Cone and Dave, and I got my pic taken with Cone. It's not the greatest picture, and I know that I'm half asleep, so please no harsh comments!

Coming soon...adventures @ Edgefest 2

Edgefest 2 August 25th, Toronto Ontario

What a great day. It was a BLAST! Got into Toronto at around 2ish, with my cousin and her friends. The place was packed! Just kids everywhere, hanging out, and having a great time. So we wandered around while Good Charlotte was on stage, and I found my other cousin. She was tattooing kids, so she let me do it to a couple of the hotties walking around. lol Ya, good fun. Then we saw some girls eat cat food for floor tickets...yuk! Anyways, we watched Jimmy Eat World, who were pretty good, and then Sum came on. They were funny as hell...a bit like Blink, but they were still cool. And of course, I had to be in the pit for Sum. How could I resist? (by the way, yes there were 2 mosh on the floor, and one on the lawn...I was on the lawn) Our pit was HUGE! Though kinda scary, since the lawn is all slanted, and some kids were croud surfin... :o but everyone was fine. (Derek commented on how he's never seen a bigger pit in the back before..we were all so proud!) New Found Glory rocked the place. They were absoultly wicked! And of course...Blink! Woo-hoo!!! The highlight of everyone's day. They were great. Funny as hell, running around stage, screaming "boobies!" half the time. It was a great concert...even tho I WAS molested (not litterally) by some wierd guy who claimed to be in a band, and asked me if he could sign my stomach...kinda suspicious, aint it?! HMMM...