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Treble Charger

Rosie, (bass) Greig (guitar) Bill (guitar), and Trevor (drums) are the 4 hotties of what we call Treble Charger. These boys have been with us since their first album "nc17" back in good ol '94. Since they have made their way up through rock society by joining a new label, and making 3 other albums. These boys have worked their asses off to be's happened! American Psycho was the Treble Charger revolution. Kids all across Canada, (and some in the states too) love that song. It's the lyrics and the tune. Everything with Treble Charger has always fallen into place with their music. Somethings slower then others, but their music may very well change the world...or at least Canada

And now....they're back! (with a vengence) And it's about frigin time! The new single "Hundred Million" from their new album Detox, is incredable. So check it out @

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