Born on February 17, 1972 the youngest of six children. His Dad was a jazz drummer / truck driver who died of cancer when Billie was 10 years old. His mother was a waitress at Rod's Hickory Pit. When he was five, Billie would sing at hospitals to cheer patients up. He also recorded the song "Looking For Love". The first album BJ bought was Elvis Presley's "The Sun Sessions". Soon after a couple friends got him hooked on punk bands like DOA, TSOL, the Dead Kennedys, ect. The first song Billie ever wrote was "Why Do You Want Him" when he was 12 years old. Has played / produced / wrote with several other bands but most notably, Pinhead Gunpowder, with whom he has recorded a couple E.P.'s and records. In July 1994 he married his girlfriend Adrienne Nesser. The ceremony only lasted 5 minutes and both he and Adrienne drank beer before hand to calm their nerves. The day after the wedding Adrienne discovered she was pregnant with Billie's baby. Nine months later, in March of 1995, Joseph Marcicano Armstrong was born. The couple has since had another child, Jakob Danger Armstrong. Billie is co-owner of the record label Adeline Records. Adeline is home to the Criminals, One Man Army, AFI, and most notebly, BJ's other band, Pinhead Gunpowder.