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More Martyn

More Martyn

Email Matt here to ask your own questions!

SOME QUESTIONS AND MARTYN'S ANSWERS (from the official site)

Q. How are you ?
A. Tired and hyper.

Q. What was your first job ?
A. Drug runner.

Q. What are you like when you are drunk ?
A. Very excitable.

Q. Do you have any bad habits ?
A. Plenty.

Q. When did you last hit someone ?
A. Never needed to.

Q. When did you last cry and why ?
A. Lot of the time.

Q. What was your first Gig ?
A. The LA's / Transvision Vamp.

Q. What is the best film you have ever seen ?
A. The Lost Boys.

Q. Fave Album of all time ?
A. Pixies - Doolittle.

Q. Can you recite a line of poetry ?
A. ...and the stars would, dim in despair with thy brightness.

Q. What is your greatest fear ?
A. Loneliness and wasps.

Q. What were you like at school ?
A. Picked on.

Q. Happiness is . . . . . . .?
A. A big chocolate flake.

Q. If you weren't in Kingadora, what would you be doing ?
A. Addicted to smack.