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My Information

Crystal Harless
~*Punk Bunny*~
Prestonsburg, KY

Well here is where you come 2 find out a little bit more about me. Like my intro says, I am a very open-minded person & I do get along with almost anyone. Those people who I consider my friends R my close friends but I would have 2 say that my best friend is my Mom. Ever since I quit public school & went on homeschool, our relationship has grew & became one of the best relationships Ive had with another person & that includes all relaionships Ive had. She knows everything about me, even the stuff girls usually hide from their Moms. And 2 be honest I have more fun hanging out with her than anyone. But I do enjoy doing other things like cliff diving & playing laser tag which I luv the most. I also luv going 2 the movies. My favorite type of movie would probably be horror. I luv all the old horror movies & some of the new ones, suspense thrillers R also another favorite of mine. I have fun doing anything really but I like 2 consider myself adventurous so Ill try anything once. Some days I like 2 be home & sleep the day away though, but it does get 2 addictive so I try 2 be active. I dont really have any religious beliefs. My thinking is is that I am not going 2 put my faith & heart into something/someone that I dont know is really there. Thats why I dont & wont go 2 church. I feel like a fake sitting there & I am not a fake. Sorry if that ofends anyone but thats how I feel. It could be a typical teenage phase Im going through, but it only has one more year left to exist my system or change or it looks like thats the way Ill believe forever. As far as music goes, I like punk & alternative the most. I couldn't tell you my favorite band cuz there R so many I luv but @ the time you will hear me listening 2 Blink 182 the most, that changes though. It really depends on what kind of mood I am in. You wanna know the little things about me then my favorite food is pizza of course, I luv ice cream & my favorite color is pink & I am a Taurus so watch out!!! I can be quite the bull. Something has 2 be girly about me. Actually the only thing I am good at is being a girl ;) Take that how ya want. The things I hate R probably just fake people & the commercials Eastern Kentucky has & actually put on TV. I really can't stand someone that is fake. So if you R fake & you know if you R or not then exist my page right now please :)~ Anyway the things I am afraid of R & they R in order: death, the dark & turtles. Go ahead & laugh but turtles R freaky if you think about them. My outlook on relationships is, I love them even though I end up getting hurt most of the time :( Right now Im pretty cautious about them. Guys tend 2 be mean sometimes. And my type of guy can be the meanest & that is the punk guys. I love everything about you guys but you can be mean. I guess I am attracted 2 their style the most. I really like it. As for my future plans, I really dont know yet cuz I dont like 2 plan ahead but Ill probably end up @ Pikeville College. My plans change quite often though. My other alternate is beauty college. Then after that I may start my own business with that. An actual salon that sells colored hair dye for all you freaks like me out there. I would also try 2 sell tongue rings and shit like that. It just depends really. If you want 2 talk to me then you can e-mail me @ or by ICQ, my # is 122180223. Im always online unless Im not home which is not often. Other than that Im usually @ the pool or out with my Mom somewhere, if not, I probably ran away. Oh yeah, two words 2 describe me.....BOOTY LICIOUS :)~ Ha! Ha! Anyway, thats all I want you 2 know about me. Keep coming back cuz things could change @ any time. ~Bye~